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Comment Re:You mean... (Score 1) 626

Do either of you understand what a "scientific theory" is?

One question I'd like to ask Darwin, if he were still alive, is this: If man evolved from apes, then why do we still have apes? Why didn't all species evolve like man supposedly did?

I'd say "unbelievable", but it is not, it is just sad.

Comment WebOS was the mobile platform I wanted. (Score 1) 137

Of all of the mobile platforms, this was the one that I was really looking forward to, not just as a user, I was looking forward to program things for it. It seemed just so nice, well developed, well planned, and it even had some nice touches such as the Konami code. I didn't care about iOS and android just wasn't as interesting, this was, and I was very sorry to see it fail and fade away.

I know that HP bought it, and that it plans to do something with it. I just hope that they handle this correctly because it is an interesting concept, and I would like to see it become something great.

Comment Re:The moral of the story: (Score 1) 244

That is why I won't be registering any more .com and .net domains, and I'll move whatever I can to other domains, heck, at this point I don't know how smart is it to use US based services anymore, god forbid I post a link that the MAFIAA doesn't like and not only my website/account in said service is compromised, but my entire life (at the very least I could end up fighting an extradition).

This is beyond ridiculous, and it sets a very very ugly precedent. I know, the chances of that happening to me are very low, but, the fact that this is even allowed to happen is just wrong.

Comment Re:jurisdiction? (Score 1) 244

Amnesty international wanted the government to open an investigation for human rights violations, but the government clearly stated that he was completely immune from prosecution for anything that he did during his presidency. The Swiss government is just as coward as everyone elses.

The trip was canceled because protesters were going to doing armed with Shoes, and his security staff had concerns for his security.

Comment Re:If Live Free Or Die are your choices (Score 1) 666

I honestly didn't know whether to mod you Funny or Informative (which is irrelevant now because by posting this the moderation will be reversed, but I do want to make the comment and going as AC I feels like cheating the system).

I went with Informative and I realized that someone else had modded you Insightful. It is a sad thing.

Comment Re:Typical game (Score 5, Funny) 178

AD 3100. You place the thumb drive in your PC.

You appear in a vast land, overlooked by a prominent Lord Juan statue and completely paved over with dead bodies to a great depth. The stench overcomes you. You are dead. Please transfer this thumb drive to the next player.

Oh look, we are playing it now.

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