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Comment Way to go! (Score 0, Troll) 374

1. Give an insane amount of funding to the military at the expense of diving into more and more debt.
2. Pay for 744,000 licences of Windows Vista and 744,000 licences of MS Office 2007 instead of invest in a better solution based on freely available OSS which could be contributed back to the people.
3. ???
4. Profit! (for MS of course).

I may actually remove step 3 all together, it does looks like the full profit algorithm (for MS of course).

Comment This article it's dumb (Score 2) 158

I fail to see how is this news and how is this interesting.

Any jailbroken iPhone has been able to do this ages ago, in fact I was doing some AJAX experiments on the iPhone using vim (which was the only decent editor the iPhone had as I had copy/paste and search/replace) when I was bored.

Btw, I did not buy an iPhone, it was given to me and the truth it's I dislike it, if only it were more open...

Comment This is really stupid (I'm a mexican) (Score 2, Interesting) 232

There is simply nothing that stops you from grab the CURP from anyone, send the sms and get your phone linked to other person, then you can carry on with whatever illegal activities you plan to do and have the other person blamed.

It is insane, and I asked someone I know that works at Telcel and you can have more than one phone number linked to a single CURP.

Yes, this is supposed to difficult the coordination of illegal groups, such as drug dealers and kidnapers, but I fail to see how will this help unless we would do as the law says, be required to go on a cellphone center and provide our fingerprint.

And, personally, I completely dislike this measure, just for civil disobedience I'll go to somewhere where the CURP it's required, memorize a number of a random person (fortunately I can memorize long numbers easily), and send a sms with that number.

Comment This is it (Score 1) 214

I am officially getting retired this year from the business of making websites/systems for other people, I'll just work on my own stuff using standards, and only use the IE detection scripts for display a message informing users why the site doesn't looks right on their browser, posting links to standard capable browsers.

Comment Good news (Score 4, Interesting) 352

Well, I am one of the Linux users who has been avoiding ATI as well, mostly due to the horror stories. I have live some myself (thx Atheros wireless), and now I do check how well is the support of the hardware in Linux before make a purchase.

Until now, at least the NVidia drivers works fairly well, so NVidia has been my choice.

But, if ATI is really opening up like this, and NVidia doesn't open up, most likely ATI will be my next graphic card when I get a new comp in the next months.

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