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Microsoft Tips the Scale In Favor of HTML 5 325

aabelro writes "Dean Hachamovitch, General Manager for Internet Explorer at Microsoft, has announced that IE9 will use only the H.264 standard to play HTML 5 video. Microsoft seems to have become very committed to HTML 5, while Flash loses even more ground. The announcement came the same day Steve Jobs detailed why Apple does not accept Flash on iPhone and iPad."

Comment I'll just wait longer... (Score 5, Insightful) 418

If I really want the movie on dvd I'm gonna buy it anyway. If I was just gonna rent it when it comes out on dvd what makes you think I'll want to buy it instead of waiting 28 extra days? Or at worse one could always pirate it since I'm sure there will be dvd rips on the net. Anyway, this isn't all bad... more streaming stuff :)

INTERPOL Granted Diplomatic Immunity In the US 450

ShakaUVM writes "A couple of weeks ago without any fanfare or notice in the media, President Obama granted INTERPOL full diplomatic immunity while conducting investigations on American soil. While INTERPOL has been allowed to operate in the US in the past, under an executive order by President Reagan, they've had to follow the same rules as the FBI, CIA, etc., while on American soil. This means, among other things, the new executive order makes INTERPOL immune to Freedom of Information Act requests and that INTERPOL agents cannot be punished for most any crimes they may commit. Hopefully the worst we'll see from this is INTERPOL agents ignoring their speeding tickets." Update: 01/05 02:57 GMT by KD : Reader davecb pointed out an ABC News blog that comes to pretty much the opposite conclusion as to the import of the executive order.

Submission + - Uproar as MW2's IW announces No Dedicated Servers

An anonymous reader writes: Infinity Ward's Robert Bowling (aka fourzerotwo), in an interview with on October 17th has announced that one of the mainstays of PC multiplayer gaming, dedicated servers, won't be in IW's upcoming sequel to Call of Duty 4. Instead, players will use the unknown "IW Net" for matchmaking purposes. No dedicated servers means no player mods, no player maps, no organized competitive play, no clan servers, etc and strips away from what makes PC gaming unique from console gaming. Many vocal gamers have cancelled their preorders. IW has deleted most of the threads and petitions on IW's forums, however one petition lives on. As of the time of this writing, there are over 76,000 signatures and counting.

Submission + - No Dedicated Server Support in Modern Warfare 2 (

An anonymous reader writes: Infinity Ward's community representative Robert Bowling stated in an interview with Bash and Slash that Infiinity Ward has removed support for dedicated servers and user generated modifications. In dedicated server's place will be, a new platform Infinity Ward will be testing that provides the same matchmaking service console users are accustomed too to PC users. The outcry has been tremendous so far from PC users on the IW forums, Twitter, Digg, and other mediums.

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