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Comment Re:I fail to see the point (Score 2) 332

The exclusive economic zone is 200 miles, but International Waters is only 12 miles out.

The residents can get a business visa to come onshore for business meetings, they just can't perform any actual work in the United States.

It's true that the residents must abide by the whims of the owners, but the owners in this case are businessmen who want to create a good space for business in order to stay in business. That's a lot different from relying on the goodwill of a single eccentric individual.

Comment Re:Facts. (Score 2) 285

"A fact lots of well educated people don't seem to understand regardless of the number of studies showing this effect."

Obviously this fact conflicts with their world view. I have observed this effect in action, however, on multiple occasions, sometimes to comical effect - such as people believing I said the direct opposite of what I actually just said.

Comment Re:They're just hypocrites (Score 4, Insightful) 332

It's a mistake to presume that Al Qaeda is staffed by religious fanatics. They are generally opposed to their own governments as much as ours, and attacked the U.S. because the U.S. was supporting tyrannical and corrupt governments in their region. Hopefully the Arab Spring has changed this somewhat.

Like most religious wars, religion in this case is just used as justification. The conflict has other causes.

Comment Re:Heil (Score 1) 462

Absolutely agree on all counts. I might also note that out of curiosity I once looked at a few passages of Mein Kampf in English translation. The scariest thing about it was that the passages I read could have been written by just about any politician working today.

Comment Re:Hmm (Score 3, Interesting) 195

A simpler solution is for navies to go underwater. In fact, all warfare is about to change: the future will involve few if any manned ships or airplanes, or indeed - manned combat.

Just as sailing ships gave way to steamships, and battleships gave way to carriers, the navies of the future will be quite different from the navies of today. I imagine that most naval vessels of the future will spend almost all of their time beneath the surface, and only occasionally surface to launch multitudes of small flying drones as needed. They will not need to surface at all to launch small swimming drones - and the ships themselves may not be manned.

Comment This article is about politics and name-calling (Score 1) 1128

This isn't about conservatives distrusting science, but about conservatives distrusting scientists.

If the interviewer had asked about views on genetically modified foods rather than global warming, they would have discovered that liberals are opposed to science and conservatives support it.

In short, this study is an excellent example why no one should trust self-styled intellectuals. Conservatives don't hate intellectuals, conservatives hate posers.

Comment Re:Of all the games mentioned, what's missing? (Score 4, Informative) 350

Yes, they mentioned that Rogue on the PC was a port from an older game on Unix systems, and also mentioned that it inspired Nethack and Angband.

I was pleasantly surprised to see that they remembered to include these games, which despite the simple graphics were by far the most advanced games of their day.

However, if you want to get really pedantic, they should have mentioned the even older ADVENTURE.

Comment Re:Teaching the curve not the median (Score 1) 160

In the U.S., inflation-adjusted spending on education has more than tripled in the last 50 years, while outcomes have remained flat.

One-room schoolhouses have a better track record of educational achievement than our modern system.

We could probably reduce spending on education and reduce the need and expense of prisons, but those who make the decisions don't want that. The education system is doing what it was intended to do: dumb down the population. And it's doing it well.

Comment people in the field don't care (Score 1) 498

It's not just police. This is the sort of thing that people in offices don't understand - this always happens in the field. It doesn't matter how much training you do, people in the field just don't give a damn about this sort of thing. If you give them extra time and resources to make sure that calibration is done correctly, they will take the opportunity to go home early, have a long lunch, or take a nap. I've seen this in the military, in the private sector, and especially with contractors to the government. This is why systems always need to be designed to be much more robust than they technically need to be.

Of course, it goes beyond this: I have had jobs where I received written instructions on how to do the job, but no equipment to do the job with. At McMurdo Station I was given the work order to inspect every electrical panel on the station with a thermal imaging camera to check for overheating. One small problem: we did not have such a camera, the next incoming flight was four months away, and no one was going to send the equipment anyway. So I ended up just going around and manually tightening all the screws on the connections, and looking for scorch marks.

Perhaps this can be an object lesson for the engineers at Slashdot who actually design things.

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All great discoveries are made by mistake. -- Young
