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Comment Re:Best Kept Secret: Eve Online (Score 1) 92

I totally agree with this. Shadowrun MMO anyone? Also, I think I heard somewhere that they were coming out with a Fallout MMO. Is this true? If so, I see this as possibly turning into something similar to what you were describing... though I've only played Fallout 3 so far so I don't know if the previous ones would fit.

Comment I don't mean to be a pedant, (Score 1) 148

Ok, I really do I suppose. This seems cool and a good idea, but it irks me when they claim that the thing produces a "fuel free of chemicals" because in that case it would actually produce nothing at all. I know what they mean, but isn't there another word they could use? Harmful chemicals maybe? Unwanted byproducts? There's gotta be a better term.

Comment Re:convergent evolution examples (Score 1) 186

Probably nobody's reading this thread anymore, but off the top of my head I think that the "Queen" mole rat releases some sort of chemical (pheromone?) that prevents the others from breeding. So they aren't sterile per se, just prevented from breeding which might lead to the same results. I could be wrong though.

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