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Comment Re:and in Germany? (Score 1) 392

I believe it will depend on how Germany decides to censor their traffic. Usually the U.S.A. only decides to use economic sanctions when censorship is being used for I(negative) political purposes. The government generally doesn't care about conservative censorship. It is rather unfortunate the Internet is becoming less free with each passing year.

Nmap Network Scanning Screenshot-sm 125

brothke writes "The 1962 song Wipe Out, with its energetic drum solo started, was the impetus for many people to take up playing the drums. Similarly, Nmap, the legendary network scanner, likely interested many in the art of hacking, and for some, started a career for security professionals and hackers. Nmap and its creator Fyodor need no introduction to anyone on Slashdot. With that, Nmap Network Scanning: The Official Nmap Project Guide to Network Discovery and Security Scanning, is a most useful guide to anyone interested in fully utilizing Nmap." Read on for the rest of Ben's review.

Anonymous Anger Rampant On the Web 399

the4thdimension writes "In a story that may bring out the 'duh' in you, CNN has a story about how anonymous anger is rampant on the Internet. Citing various reasons, it attempts to explain why sites like MyBiggestComplaint and Just Rage exist and why anger via the web seems to be everywhere. Various reasons include: anonymity, lack of rules, and lack of immediate consequences. Whatever the reason, they describe that online anger has resulted in real-life violence and suggest methods for parents and teens to cope with e-aggression and to learn to be aware of it." I can't figure out what makes me angrier: my habit of anonymously trolling web forums, or my video game playing.

Fictional Town "Eureka" To Become Real? 337

Zarath writes "The fictional town of Eureka (from the TV series by the same name) is going to potentially become a real life town as the University of Queensland, in Australia, plans to build a multibillion-dollar 'brain city' dedicated to science and research. The city, hoping to hold at least 10,000 people, is looking to attract 4,500 of the brightest scientists from around the world to live and work there. The city is planned to be built west of the city of Brisbane, in Queensland. While not funded by the Department of Defense (like the [city of the] TV series), the potential for such a community is very interesting and exciting."

Comment No Lua? (Score 0) 415

I was very disappointed Lua was not included. It is one of the most popular scripting languages for embedding in applications, especially Games. People forget that a scripting language is primarily for extending the functionality of an application. Also, while Python and Ruby can be hacked for this purpose, they are very poor choices for scripting languages and should probably _not_ be included in the list.

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