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Comment Re:It's all about the money. (Score 2) 375

When technological changes occur faster in an economy than social changes you end up with massive social disorder. That was the whole issue with the Luddites. Their way of life was being changed by new technology faster than the social structures were changing. People reacted violently. In time social structures and people's views caught up with where the economy had moved and things settled down into a new pattern for a while. We may be due for another rough transition.

Comment Re:Democracy. (Score 1) 356

21,000 out 20,000 in. They lost 1,000 domains for basically shitting on their customers. Yet their support for SOPA stands, despite the half assed mea culpa. Every person who voted with their wallet against SOPA still has to live with the outcomes in the political realm and Godaddy loses almost nothing.

Comment Re:Accidental overdose? (Score 2) 385

Or perhaps people people on high doses of opiates. My wife was on a very heavy dose of Oxycontin for a long time and there were more than a few occasions wherre she wasn't sure if she taken her pills yet. We always played it safe and held off when there was doubt, but there were a few occasions where I had to stop her because she was sure she hadn't taken it. Large doses of these rugs don't exactly leave you clear headed.

Comment Re:Nice thought, however not close to reality. (Score 1) 300

How often is there a rolling gun battle down State street in Chicago over moonshine? Legalizing marijuana and maybe a few other common drugs wouldn't kill organized crime. That is here to stay, probably forever. It would slash a huge source of funds and incentive to engage in the really destructive behavior we see. Cigarette and alcohol taxes are high, but nothing compared to the black market mark up and any illicit operation would have to undercut the legal one on price.

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The next person to mention spaghetti stacks to me is going to have his head knocked off. -- Bill Conrad
