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Comment Re:You have to send a copy of your ID (Score 1) 214

The page also *says* that they will delete the image, once your identity has been verified. Until there is a way to remotely verify that you are who you say you are, and that I am not you, and vice versa... that's what they're working with.

What sort of proof would you want that the person requesting YOUR information is anybody but you? It is a serious question, because I am looking for a fool-proof, better method.

You're worried about your "private" information, yet are irritated that you must prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, that you are, indeed, you.

Comment More than just Wall St. (Score 1) 961

Looking around, it turns out that there are many places that either already have some people starting occupations (no not jobs), or are planning some to add to Wall St. A list of hashtags are popping up, and at least one protest is being planned in Boston.
It looks like this could be something gaining some steam... whether or not it continues to the point of influence is another question.

Comment Re:Empty Gestures (Score 1) 311

Americans are too timid because for the following reasons: bullying is underage terrorism, fighting is bad, hug each other, don't say hurtful things, etc, etc, etc.

Too many parents teaching their kids to be pacifists, and we literally baby children like they're babies.
When most of us were kids, if someone picked on us, we fought, and to the victor went the spoils. That's it.
Today, parents and lawyers do all the fighting, so 95% of America doesn't know how to stand up for itself. 4/5% became cops or military, and 1% isn't a great number to have on your side.

Comment More Fees? (Score 1) 899

I haven't seen this mentioned yet, so forgive me if it has been...
I just see this as a way to extort more fees for pre-configured machines. Say you order something from Dell, IBM, whatever... $20 fee to include a piece of paper with your PKI key, so you can install your own OS. This not only protects Microsoft, but has a potential to pad the margin for manufacturers, all while sticking it to the consumer.

Comment Re:Price determined by...? (Score 1) 243

Look up the value of each of these on the market. Not the (RI/MP)AA market, but the real, "I would like to give you paper for goods" market.
For things like the ROM's, consider what each ROM costs, if you were to buy the game, and to play it, you need the console.

I can only assume it is the same logic that gets us to $5m. And if it were (RI/MP)AA market values... One hundred... billion...kajillion... flazillion... dollars.

Comment Re:Test value? (Score 1) 198

Which reminds me of my drive to work this morning...
The human element is a huge factor in something like traffic, when you have people running red lights, right on red when it's a no-no, and lane changes with no blinker (signal for those of you not in the Boston area).

Given the circumstances of driving, and introducing the human element, I'd nominate Boston, LA, or something of the sorts.
Furthermore, I will gladly accept a government stipend to live in this town, and drive like I do to work.
As long as GLaDOS isn't running these experiments.

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