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Comment Re:Short answer: (Score 5, Insightful) 686

People actively seek out and view the webpage

Notice how you didn't say "I spam my oversized/bliking/popup banner all over other sites to get people to view my webpage"? People find your page because you provide information they need, not because they see your ads. Personally, I can honestly say that not once in my life have I read/viewed/purchased anything from clicking a banner. And yeah, I know the whole subconscious brand recognition shpeel... Still - I never buy anything on the brand name alone. Except for Sony, their products I don't buy specifically because of their brand name. But I digress.

Comment Re:But, But....what about all those in the 1950's (Score 1) 448

Nobody is debating that it's occurring. What is being debated is the egocentric claims that humans are significant enough to upset the CO2 balance of the entire planet... while they're releasing measly 0.04% of all CO2 being released into the atmosphere naturally every year... which is what 29,000,000,000 tons of CO2 into 5,000,000,000,000,000,000 tons of atmosphere? I included all the zeros so it's easier to comprehend without doing the math, but that about 0.0000006% of the atmosphere. citation.

Comment Re:But, But....what about all those in the 1950's (Score 1) 448

I don't see anybody else dumping billions of tons of CO2 into the atmosphere year after year. ... and that "greenhouse" thing? It works.

How about ice?

Or cows?

I'm sure there's more if you scroll through a google search.

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