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Submission + - China to Try Out Ocean Thermal Energy System (

the_newsbeagle writes: When you've got a wacky high-tech idea that will cost a lot of money, head to China. Lockheed Martin is the lastest company to heed this advice. For decades, Lockheed has investigated ocean thermal energy conversion, in which the temperature difference between warm surface water and cold deep water is leveraged to produce power. Just a few years ago, the company was working with the Navy and discussing a possible OTEC pilot project in Hawaii's Pearl Harbor. That idea has since been scrapped, and Lockheed is now partnering with a Chinese resort developer to build the 10-MW pilot plant off the coast of southern China. Lockheed hasn't disclosed the cost of building this plant, but outside experts say it might cost more than $300 million.

Comment Expand "net neutrality" to incl a "right to serve" (Score 1) 301

Outgoing FTP is a way to share files, but - for the one holding &
publishing some file(s) via FTP - they must have & run FTP ser-

Freedom of Speech implies a "Right to Serve" IMO.

Being -forced- by ISP restrictions against running servers seems
anti-competitive, since it -forces- the ISP's customer to pay (some-
one) for unnecessary / unwanted hosting services.

By extending the definition of "net neutrality" to -include- a well-
defined "Right to Serve" (since not to have such a right makes
one subservient to external hosting services, by unbalancing
the innately -balanced- TCP/IP protocols, which underlie the
Internet) would let one (with content) choose between self-
hosting & outsourcing the hosting of that content.

Start out self-hosting, until you decide to let someone else
do that for you (eg, after the content becomes popular).

Comment OT: See the doco: & TED tal (Score 1) 637

One way to reduce the cost of Cancer may be to support
alternatives to "Cut, Burn & Poison" = another docu-
mentary, eg:

1. Burzynski's Antineoplaston treatments, which seem
to be capable of resolving brain cancer in children, etc.

Documentary: "Burzynski - Cancer is Serious Business"
reports some successful cases, showing before & after
-scans- for tumors / tumor growth / resolution, from
well-known, large medical centers & traditional cancer
treatment facilities. (Patents for his antineoplastons are
cited with patent numbers.)

An adviser to Pres Obama is cited as one who has
said that a reason Burzynski's treatments aren't
recognized or getting any public funding is: They
could cause collapse of -exsiting- Cancer research &
treatment enterprises, including pharmaceutical co's.

(Parts 1 & 2 are out, with Part 3 on the way.
See: for details.)

[Movie may also be found & viewed on]

Controversy: FDA has repeatedly investigated the
inventor / doctor (Burzynski) with at least four (4)
Grand Juries -declining- to find reason for charge.

(US FDA appears to be "the bad guy" in this story.)

Burzynski might do well to consider CrowdSourcing
the $$$'s needed to complete remaining clinical trials
of his treatments - past & future.

2. as at least one short talk on using Electric
Fields to stop cancer tumor growth.

Add your fav alternative cancer treatment in replies
- IFF the source(s) you cite -include- scans showing
before & after scans, etc.

Comment Can-Do does it better... again! (Score 1) 336

I'm not surprised...

Any country that can make a solid-fuel nuclear [CanDo] reactor work -without- needing costly -reprocessed- fuel-rods (and, who's already got some of its nuclear experts focussing on Energy from Thorium, as I write)...

should -surely- be capable of producing folks who can 1-up the competition in making a 3D-printed rifle fire.

PS As we watched the post-firing shell-removal step,
we couldn't help thinking of the pre-firing step required
to make a "flint-lock" rifle fire. :-)

Comment How about Virtual Witness for live-aloners? (Score 1) 72

Elderly folks & maybe younger singles who want to live -safely- in their own homes longer, even after a spouse passes on, need protection from scammers who visit & try to defraud them out of money, etc.

If they record people who telemarket, show-up on their door steps to sell and/or just won't take no for an answer, in such a way that they recording are uploaded to Virtual Witness or (today) Virtual Notary for a time-stamp, etc., ie, whatever might be needed to make it usable in court, could have it easier to win their law suits, damage claims, or just convince judges (in criminal matters), that what they say happened is what actually happened.

A family of Virtual Witness devices (like black boxes for the home) would monitor / records & securely upload any recordings of concerning incidents (eg, on touch of a button -or- if owner did not press an "All OK" button after answering door, phone, etc.)

Disabled folks (recently, intellectually disabled) may have issues being heard... slow delivery of words or questions of abilities to recall accurately what happened to them.

Virtual Witness may be the way to let many of these people enjoy increased security in their homes, knowing that - if needed - a verified recording would be available to police, courts, their lawyer, etc. when verification is needed of a claim or complaint.

Comment Now, let's do similar things with Nuclear Reactors (Score 1) 180

Invest in any additional research that may be needed
to [further] prove the safety & efficacy of Thorium-based
reactors (a.k.a. "Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactors"
or LFTRs), per Kirk Sorensen's 10-min TED-talk.

They seem to be safer than the high-pressure reactors
we use today... and they don't need or produce Plutonium.

We'll also need changes to nuclear reactor regulations,
to make it easier to build lots of small ones, closer to
where the energy (heat &/or electricity) is needed.

Comment So, TeleCommute already, before you're obsolete... (Score 1) 431

Get huge See-Me-in-Life-Size screens
at the office you'd otherwise need to suffer
freeway delays driving to... connect them
to your home[-office]... & never suffer again.

Hold BBQ's at your home for any contract-
signings that may require more than a digital

I'm surprised that you're not already doing this

I begin to think that the "Past-is-Future" thought-
lessness that -surrounds- you there has seeped
into your psyche, making it hard to see obvious
technical solutions.. that others take for granted
(except, perhaps Yahoo's CEO.. who's recently
-forbade- her staff from enjoying the -privilege-
of telecommuting some days each week).

By all means enjoy the extra time you'll save, ie,
by telecommuting whenever you can.

Maybe even set some "new" examples:

1. telecommuting (for those who can)
2. staggered start-times (for the rest)
3. Thorium powered plant (a big job)
4. flat organisational chart
5. zero-emission company

What can you gain by -using- & -supporting-
ancient, mostly fossil-fueled, mostly self-drive
personal-transport via -clogged- freeways?!?

Swedes enjoyed train-commutes (through
forested areas) from Stockholm to ASEA,
sitting at desks, each with a phone, FAX &
laptop... as early as the mid-1980's.

To get-a-Life, you may need to re-think your
present designs... & add some telecommuting,
etc. to the mix.

Start Today! :-)

Comment AMSAT says it carried some small Ham Satellites (Score 1) 85

"Antares PhoneSat Cubesat Launch Now Planned for April 21"
can be selected from the list on Right side column of this page:


No solar panels => Satellites get short lives (a week or two?)

So, use 'em while their batteries last... as soon as they begin
to work. AMSAT site should have the uplink & downlink freq's
(& you should have an Amateur Radio license to transmit...) can tell you when to listen for the little,
battery-powered Ham satellites. (Cf for names.)

Let us know what you hear... & let AMSAT know, too, if you're
heard (& repeated) by one of the satellites.


Comment Hear it (& reports on it) online (Android ver. (Score 1) 1105

So, these (& similar) Android app give audio on the event:

1. "Scanner Radio" app offers a list
- sorted by number of listeners -
of available online scanners, ie,
around USA & the world.

When I chose Boston police, fire, etc.
from that list (of course, it held top-place),
there were over 50,000 others listening-in.
Normally, numbers of listeners - across
the list - are under 500.

(If your area lacks an online-connected
scanning receiver & your have such a
receiver & some bandwidth to share,
why not consider adding your area's
emergency services audio to the list?)

2a. "TuneIn [Pro]" app is (yet another)
Internet Radio app; [Boston Univ Radio's]
WBUR stayed on the story -continuously-
from shortly after the event became known.

2b. Using the same app, one can get cur-
rent weather and detailed forecasts, also
on a continuous basis, from USA Weather
broadcasters (commercial-free, these are
available 24x7 - to those near the area of the
event - on 10 VHF channels near 162 MHz);
Boston's gov't weather station was available
via TuneIn (Search "By location" for Boston
for a list of all broadcasters - AM / FM / Wx,
including some located in nearby states).

3. "EchoLink" app - for Radio Amateurs -
let licensed Hams listen to & (in normal times)
even transmit on repeaters - most on 2m VHF
(around 146 MHz) & 70cm UHF (near 440 MHz)
- that would become active, especially when an
event (flood, earthquake, etc.) takes out normal
POTS or cellular phone & 2-way radio comms.

(If you're a Radio Ham, you can add your own
station (eg, home, office or vehicle radio) or
your club's repeater to the list. Whenever you
, you're on one of the lists, so friends
can contact you, on the fly. Also, EchoLink is
like an old-time phone-echange switchboard,
ie, able to connect repeaters, etc. together, eg,
to support relief operations after a larger dis-
aster or - during peaceful times - just a yacht-
or bike-race, etc.)

These apps work on Android phones & tab's
2.2 thru 4.1.2, in my experience. Of course,

I don't know what app's may be available for
iPhone, etc.

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