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Comment Re:its great to be king (Score 1) 190

You can find information about the functions of the Equadorian Coast Guard (which is part of the Navy) at . Health emergency-related airlifts would fall under the first of their tasks, "Salvaguardar la vida humana en el mar." The map of what they consider "el mar" can be seen at .

Comment Re:its great to be king (Score 4, Informative) 190

Airlifting people with medical emergencies from the Galapagos Islands to the Ecuadorian mainland is part of the Equadorian Navy's job description. You'd have received the same treatment and so would I.

Now, the quality of the medical care you receive afterwards might be affected by your wealth or influence, but the airlift is something they do for anybody who needs it, and it happens all the time. The only reason this is "news" is because of the notoriety of the patient, not because of the airlift.

Comment Re:To bad it's way less secure than chip and PIN (Score 1) 222

...or you could live in a country where it's absolutely commonplace to use BIC/IBAN to transfer money for all payments, both for bills and for individual-to-individual, and the banks don't charge a cent to do it. The concept of a cheque simply doesn't exist here.

If a friend asks me to loan him 20 bucks, and I don't happen to have it in cash, and don't want to tell him to fuck off, I'll say, "sure, just give me your account number" and it'll be in his account in seconds. Easy peasy, no charges, no Bic to bust out.

Of course, this wouldn't have been so easy before ubiquitous smartphones, but what with the majority of people here having smartphones and dataplans (and my bank having a pretty kickass mobile app so I don't have to use a clunky phone browser), it's really the way to go.

Comment Re:How? (Score 1) 204

It takes absolutely no talent to waste power like this. Well, perhaps it does, to use so much power while getting so little useful result.

Think about carefully next time you're driving down the road in a vehicle that gets around 12% effeciency from the gasoline it burns.

Comment Poll was not of 1000 people... (Score 1) 578

Okay, the whole polling group was 1003 people, but the Slashdot blurb is speaking specifically about those who say they oppose the printing of gun parts at home. TFA says "Just those who agree that Americans should be allowed to own 3D printers were then asked... Do you think Americans should or should not be allowed to print their own guns or gun parts in their own homes?" Only 62% were okay with home use of 3D pritners, so in fact the number of people questioned about home manufacture of guns or gun parts was just 622 people, not 1000.

Comment Re:I thought PCs were for mouse and keyboard (Score 1) 232

Pretty much all recent PC games that can benefit from a controller can use one. I built a new PC mainly because I wanted to be able to run X-Plane 10 at a good framerate, and then when I saw how well it ran some other games, and how many now support controllers, I went out and bought a wired Xbox controller and haven't bought a single Xbox game since. My PC can run the same games faster and at higher resolution and they're often cheaper anyway.

Comment How much power does that beast consume? (Score 2) 289

And now long would you have to run it to spend the same amount of money it takes to buy modern equipment and pay for someone to convert your accounting over?

I like "if it ain't broke" in general, but this thing has to be a massive power drain, and when it finally does break, they're likely going to be screwed.

Comment Re:ugh, mp3-only (Score 1) 215

Since AutoRip applies to physical CDs you've purchased, you've already got the lossless copy at home and you are free to reproduce it in whatever format tickles your fancy. You can even store it on your Amazon Cloud Drive if you like (albeit not completely free).

Amazon AutoRip is all about having music available on the go, and is intended for normal people, not smug people, so "shitty" mp3s are just the ticket.

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