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Comment Re:Just another example... (Score 1) 455

They targeted more conservative groups than liberal groups. So, your argument is technically accurate. I don't know if this fits you but I know a guy that pretends to be obtuse just for the sake of making an argument. Your argument being valid doesn't necessarily translate to your point being valid.

Comment Re:These big battles are a rarity (Score 1) 296

I doubt you'd be interested in impressing me but if you were to have told a bunch of stories about how you did good guy things and helped the other players defend themselves against the pirates and came back after a long absence to the applause and cheering of the miners, then I would be impressed.

It's not how you do the things you do in game it's what you do that matters.

I don't give two rat farts what you do in game, but bragging about being a dick then berating people that call what you do dickish seems churlish at best.

That "it's a game and nobody knows who I am so I can beat them up with impunity" mentality is pervasive in EVE. Because some people choose not to participate and consider that attitude as unacceptable is a lifestyle choice. You could be more tolerant of their views and just let it go.

Comment Re:Please tell me FL is first in line (Score -1, Flamebait) 437

Thankfully, the coastal cities like LA, NY, SD, Seattle and Houston (mecca's for modern abusers of indentured servitude and welfare slaves) will be affected first and all of us land locked idiots will be happy to sell land to all the coastal racists. Welcome to your new paradise! A place where almost everyone works which makes sharing the load a heck of a lot easier.

Comment Re:Something is wrong (Score 1) 311

I lived in Germany for three years from 1985 to 1988. I lived in Honduras for 6 months and on an island off the coast of Sai Pan for 8 months and I lived in two different countries in Africa. I've lived in California, Illinois, Florida, Arizona, Washington, Alaska and Texas. And when I say I lived there, I mean I owned or rented property there, I registered to drive where that was possible. I immersed myself in the economy. I've also spent considerable time in a number of other European, Asian and Middle Eastern locations but only as a short term visitor. And I call bullshit on your claim that the infrastructure here in America is not as good as what you would find in the countryside of Romania. If there are structures here that still have lead water pipes, it is an aberration, not the norm. You sir are full of shit.

Comment Its the overlapping standards stupid (Score 2) 737

We can't convert our enterprise from Windows because we still have some critical in-house and off the shelf apps that are windows only. But in the meantime, we still need to procure or develop new apps and services to meet changing market demands and requirements. But, we are not going to buy or develop those solutions for non-windows platforms because we don't have the backend support systems to service a complex multi-platform environment. So, we have to get windows based solutions for now. In a couple years, those new windows based solutions that started out as stop-gap measures have now become critical and we can't stop using them. Rinse and repeat.

Consumers fleeing the Microsoft boat, sure might happen.
Corporations fleeing the Microsoft boat, not nearly as likely.

Or, The less a man makes declarative statements, the less apt he is to appear foolish in retrospect.

Comment Re:Worth it? (Score 1) 174

There are two different types of bankruptcy that most private debtors go through. Chapter 7 of the bankruptcy code allows for most debts to be discharged but typically it is more difficult to qualify for that type of proceeding. Chapter 13 allows for restructured debt and in recent years, federal regulations make this the most common form allowed by bankruptcy courts.

Perhaps your friends both qualified for Chapter 7.

Comment Re:Tax evasion is good for some of us (Score 1) 893

I'm one of those folks. Every year when I do my taxes, I take advantage of every loophole afforded me. Do you want me to lose my mortgage interest deduction? Ok, take that away and instead of cutting a check to the Treasury dept for $400, I make it out for $1750. Wow, $1350 is one month's mortgage payment. So yeah, I like my loophole. But hell yeah, when I need to drive my truck to work, I also take advantage of the road that my taxes helped pave. But having said all that, I don't get pissed off at the rich guy that ONLY payed hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxes last year. You chicken shit assholes that think the rich should have to pay more need to shut your gap. Give me the option of not having to pay for your girlfriends abortion or the sex change for the convicted murderer. Give me the ability to "avoid" paying for research that involves putting shrimp on a treadmill. Give all of us the opportunity to say no to paying for a bunch of silly nonsense and guess what, you won't need as damn much money in the Govt coffers.

And no, before the hyperbole gets rank, I'm not proposing to stop supporting the needy. I give to charity because it affords a tax loophole, but I don't claim all of my charitable giving either. I'm not a monster that wants to see homeless folks dead on the street but I don't like being held responsible because some of you takers can't exercise some self-restraint.

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