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Comment Heart, Brains... (Score 1) 480

I've been told that I wear my heart on my sleeve and my brain is in my [genetalia], so that's redundant. That leaves my fingers, ears, eyes and liver. I hate liver so that's out. I gave my wife the finger yesterday, so that's no longer mine. Brutus asked us to lend him our ears. Done. The "eyes have it", so they're gone.

Hmmm, I guess I don't have anything vital remaining. Whadd'ya know.

Operating Systems

Submission + - Online support: Who would you go to first? 1

gmac63 writes: "Many of us use online support for our daily "fix of fixes". I used to use Usenet groups. Someone there always had the same problem that I did and the online community was ready with the answers. So what are folks these days using as their online support method? Could be any resource for any issue: Networking/Operating Systems, Datacenter, General user issues, anything. Is there a "preferred" online resource?"

Comment I don't think this is all about speech. (Score 1) 849

Re-reading this and trying to understand its base meaning, I believe it is in reference to any sort of public address or otherwise performance which is subject to the Miller Test [] which is NOT protected by First Ammendment Rights. I believe it would be:

1) open to great interpretation
2) have to pass some sort of test to determine its violation
3) must be directed at a group of people.

One case would be any exhibit or performance or assembly whereby the subject matter is considered by an society, to be in offense or directly offensive to another party or group.

Another might be where those who were charged with the violation were to have produced orally or in another material, subject matter that was in appropriate to minors, as deemed by society.

Still another would be assembly by any group wishing to disseminate hate or otherwise offensive material in any area which is deemed public.

I do not think this applies to individuals who would openly and verbally use profanity or offensive language, save that which might be deemed hate language or in communicating a threat.

Think about that angle

Comment Re:Figures. (Score 0, Troll) 379

you're just full of shit and won't admit that linux fails on its own.

it fails like a fucking aids faggot dying in a thrid rate motel from his faggot disease. the days of linsux is numbered! steve jobs has shoved a knife in it's faggot ass. you linfux bitches are done! linux will never go anywhere and you've wasted your time. bitch.

Having a bad time of your own eh.....

Comment Re:How deep? (Score 1) 725

In the South we have our units of measure as well:

A piece - some distance
Yonder - over there a piece
Down there - somewhere
Up the way - over yonder a piece.
Boat load - a bunch of something
Shit load - a great bunch of something
Ass load - more than one shit load
Y'all - a group of people being addressed
All y'all - every one of you
Buncha - a group of something

Most of these are indeterminate as we here in the South really don't need to know or care for the exact amount.

Comment Re:How deep? (Score 2, Insightful) 725

Personally I'd be in favour of changing to all metric, but road signs are the major problem. Changing mph to kph and miles to kilometres across the whole country, then educating everyone about the change would be crazily hard.

Here in America, they tried that during the '70s and some in the '80s but it never caught on.

Just think, trying to change a whole nation like the US when just my state is about the same size as England (not UK). Talk about crazily hard.


Submission + - Huge online pedophile ring broken, kids rescued (

skinfaxi writes: British police, aided by U.S. authorities, have broken a global Internet pedophile ring that broadcast live-streamed videos of children being sexually tortured for the entertainment of subscribers. They netted more than 700 suspects worldwide and rescued 31 children.

Submission + - Real moving images printed on normal paper! (

Colin Ord writes: "Dear Slashdot readers,

With all the talk recently of flexible displays, epaper and ebook technology it is refreshing to see real moving images printed on normal paper without technological wizardry and batteries!

Introducing my stunning new book Magic Moving -Animated Optical Illusions-.
This amazing book (May 2007) uses an enhanced 19th century moving image technique to create 26 astonishing animations of wildlife and everyday objects, which truly move and animate on each printed page.

Watch the book in action at:

Creating a sensation around the world the book comes highly recommended as an amazing, cool and interesting product by many viewers. 22,200 YouTube views in just 3 weeks of posting!

Must be seen to be believed!

Magic Moving Images"

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