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Comment It's just business (Score 1) 1127

That's just business (free business in most cases). Sure, you only get a few bright shining stars like Firefox. Try to look at it as a matter of market share though. How many bad programs are there for Windows? Now look at how much more marketshare Windows has. Linux just doesn't have enough share to make large enough libraries of crap to get a lot of bright sparks.

Comment Srsly? (Score 1) 608

I must say, I can't believe that this even made it to /.

I come here to read about science, technology, and random interesting things. I don't come here to read about what celebrity uses what product. I may get modded down for saying this, but I'm rather irritated that I even wasted my time seeing this article and posting this comment.

Give me stuff that matters. Not this fluff that's not even suitable for all those crummy entertainment/rumor sites and magazines...

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