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Comment Re:The Implications of the Alternative (Score 1) 349

Peer reviewers at journals are commonly paid. I know this is an old issue, but I felt the urge to comment (massage that ego, yeeaaahhh). I'm all for volunteer reviewing, which also happens, but adopting as a norm by law (implied by copyright law reform in academia) is as I said: a dangerous experiment. Scientists are busy people who already sacrifice quite a bit of their science in outreach and teaching, when they're in academia. Asking that they not get paid to be reviewers may not work out to be as beneficial as pure public access, as valuable as that would be.

Comment Controls? (Score 1) 921

I'm having trouble finding the actual study (which seems to be a meta-analysis more than original research). Does it have controls? Does it actually compare a set of people who are randomly assigned organic vs. nonorganic foods? If not, it's not at all conclusive. The fact that they desire a longitudinal study implies to me that they did not have such a control...

And don't get me wrong, the 'organic' craze has a lot of BS in it. It's not healthier by default, certainly, nor is it necessarily more environmentally sound (the rules for being organic can allow environmentally worse procedures). A lot of nutritionally worthless foods get labeled 'organic' as if that makes them healthier ('organic' butter will still go straight to your thighs...).

Comment Re:The Implications of the Alternative (Score 1) 349

Peer review does not end with publication, of course, but merely getting published is a substantial and important barrier, with the journal's peer reviewers being the guards. This is why citing from the peer-reviewed literature is important, for one example. It isn't perfect, but it's one extra layer of academic validity.

Does your post imply that you'd be fine with doing away with peer-reviewed journals?

Comment The Implications of the Alternative (Score 1) 349

What would replace the current system, exactly? Free peer review coupled with nearly-free publishing? Take a look at the PLoS, which is invaluable. However, it also does *not* have peer review because that requires maintaining a specific board of reviewers and at least one editor. This is why you can find unscientific trash like Intelligent Design 'papers' in there along with the world-class science. While I think the best situation for science would be great peer review with completely open access, I just don't see it working well without a huge amount of peer review volunteering, which could arguably switch the incentives for (peer-reviewer) performance completely around. If someone finds a solution to this, it would be great, but it's a dangerous experiment to simply throw out copyright in academia, particularly science.

Brazil Demands Repatriation of UK Hazardous Waste 110

Peace Corps Online writes "BBC reports that Brazilian authorities are demanding the return of more than 1,400 tons of hazardous British waste found in about 90 shipping containers on three Brazilian docks. The waste, which includes syringes, condoms, and bags of blood, has been identified as being of UK origin from the names of British supermarkets and newspapers among the rubbish. Reports in the UK media say the waste was sent from Felixstowe in eastern England to the port of Santos, near Sao Paulo, and two other ports in the southern state of Rio Grande do Sul. The British government has launched an investigation into how and why the waste was sent to Brazil and the British Embassy in Brazil has said in a statement that it was investigating and would 'not hesitate to act' if it was found that a UK company had violated the Basel Convention on the movement of hazardous waste. Meanwhile Brazil is demanding the immediate return of the rubbish to the UK. 'We will ask for the repatriation of this garbage,' says Roberto Messias, head of the Brazilian environment agency. 'Clearly, Brazil is not a big rubbish dump of the world.'" Two UK companies named by Brazil as suspected exporters of the waste are owned by a Brazilian, based in the UK, who says that anything that was in the containers other than the expected recyclable plastic is a problem to take up with his suppliers.

Comment Re:The answer is... (Score 0, Troll) 821

So let's see... Windows 7 has:

1. Performance enhancements of various kinds.

2. XP mode

3. A new, fancy taskbar

4. A more powerful calculator and similarly tiny changes to apps.

10.6 has:

1. Performance enhancements of various kinds, including a massive reduction in size.

2. A new avenue of development with OpenCL.

3. Changes comparable to a more powerful calculator.

So it looks like Windows 7 has... a new, fancy taskbar and a compatibility layer compared to 10.6. WOW, that sure justifies a $200 price difference. The grandparent will be eating his shorts, but at least he'll be able to buy about 15 more pairs.

Comment Re:neodarwinism (Score 2, Informative) 951

Dawkins uses 'Darwinism' as do a lot of other scientists. It's often the term used for the theory of natural selection, which is only part of evolutionary theory (of course). I get very tired of hearing it used out of context, or worse, having evolution equated with natural selection. Scientists do it, too! I agree with the opinion piece: we need to do away with the term 'Darwinism'. It's misleading and provides way too much fodder for creationists for no good reason.

Comment Wow (Score 1) 857

Pure ignorance, not to mention idiocy. There's so much wrong with what he's saying that it would make me look ridiculous just to debunk it. PZ Myers did a good job with a number of the claims, but really the basics are just so obvious with a bit of education. Men are having kids at a younger age? By what measure? Most have pointed out that men had a tough enough time living to 35 a lot of the time for a huge amount of our species' history, let alone reproducing then. It's painfully obvious that he wants to affirm some kind of patriarchy that makes him feel comfortable - didn't he make some kind of misogynistic joke?

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