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Submission + - speeding up IPv6 implementation with a cake (akai.no)

akaiONE writes: Five weeks ago, I was given a link to the picture submitted by American ISP Hurricane Electric (HE) with their cunning plan to solve the IPv6-disconnect in their peering with also American ISP Cogent Co. The technical guys at HE nailed it with baking a cake and bringing it to a NANOG-meeting (The North American Network Operators Group).

Just like the techies at HE, I thought that I could perhaps speed up the IPv6 peering with our upstream providers by sending out a cake. Thus I started my IPv6-implementation speed-up project with the goal of sending out cakes to first, our own upstreams and then encourage others to do the same to get IPv6 implemented in Norway fast. I now ask all of you who provide and service bandwidth to do the same with your peers. Spread the word! Heck, even management people loves cakes!

Comment Re:Mafia Wars is FREE (Score 1) 251

The problem is that some of those actions that you can do to get "tokens" are just a scam. They say it's just a free survey, but at the end of the survey they ask for your phone number to confirm that you've completed it, and then they just charge you $9.99 a month until you figure it out.
Farmville did exactly that, and I bet others do it too.

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