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Comment Re:If the Volt was a good idea (Score 1) 301

Yay for hand-wavy OH NOES GUBMINT IS INTERFEERING! tea-party populism.

If you want to complain about subsidies, I know a corn industry that could really use a talking-to. Or maybe oil & gas company subsidies? A $7k tax break for some people to kick-start a nascent, but promising economy is nothing compared to the kickbacks those corporations get.

Comment Re:Not surprising (Score 1) 1530

The economy did well because Bush could afford to ride a pretty prosperous wave. Typically the effects of an administration only really take hold after that presidency has ended. 8 years is not very long for widespread social and organizational change. If the economy did "pretty well" under GW, it was only because he was riding the coat-tails of past administrations.

The fact that the economy is in such dire straits now speaks volumes for the Bush administration's policies.

Comment Re:Java is a safe investment already (Score 1, Redundant) 410

I wouldn't be so sure of that. Oracle seems to be doing everything in their power to gut the core of the Java community, so until a strong non-Oracle/Sun maintainer with deep pockets (ahem, IBM) steps in to pick up the slack, I'd stay away from Java as the basis for building a full platform.

Comment Re:See how destructive unions can be? (Score 1) 576

Only if you agree with the direction your union is taking. It works if you agree with the union leadership, but if you think they're being unreasonable (for example, demanding wage increases even if the employer is known to be under financial troubles), they're serving no one. If the unions were actual "locals," run by locals with a relationship with the employer, then things could be a bit more reasonable. But now we have these huge national unions (CUPE, CAW), and local leadership is often directed in a certain direction based on national policies, rather than an intimate knowledge of the specific nuances of the relationship between an employer and their employees.

Comment Re:Revenue generation, absolutely. (Score 1) 622

.... or until some citizen's group wins a major class-action lawsuit because wastewater from the landfill leached into the local water supply, or something along those lines. It only takes a couple multi-million-dollar lawsuits to make it worth trying to keep as much stuff out of the ground as possible.

Comment Re:I'll give up flash when... (Score 1) 483

  • Restaurants will have to change to HTML5 if they want to keep the mobile market. Those that don't will lose a lot of customers.
  • Javascript, SVG & WebGL should handle those nicely
  • The video tag isn't a total replacement for Flash, but it is a replacement for Flash Video, which is probably the large segment of use for Flash right now
  • You mean like the browser that you're using?

Comment Re:Ignorance (Score -1, Offtopic) 490

Another great example of this ignorance (and misinformation spread by Apple) is that Mac OSX is virus-free and will stay so, while in fact there have been several recent instances of malware on OSX. The funny thing is that because Apple spreads these lies and users blindly trust them, they also are ignorant and can't see it. It's the classic lalalalala.

Malware != virus, just so we're clear. Do you have any citations to back your claim up about OS X viruses? Didn't think so.

Apple hasn't claimed that OS X will stay virus free; they have just claimed that it's more virus free than Windows. But hey, don't let facts get in the way.

Comment Re:I see a lot of denial in this post (Score 1) 917

I'm sorry - you lost me.

1/100 = 1% of phone calls are dropped with the 3GS. 2/100 = 2% of phone calls are dropped with the 4. Saying it's a "doubling" of the number of dropped calls is misleading - the ratio of a 1% difference scales linearly through the range. If the 3GS dropped 50/100 calls, then the iphone 4 would only drop 51/100 - a 1% change, not a 50% change. So when the ratios are low, it's a problem with the design of the phone, but when we imagine numbers that make the problem look much better for the phone model, it's a problem with the network?

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