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Comment Re:I'll second the call for examples. (Score 1, Troll) 1255

Trying to figure out what you mean with that last sentence.. If I just translate it to another setting:

" So, if only 1.% of the developers are negroid ... but fewer than 0.1% of comments on development mailing lists are racist ... what is the real "problem" that exists? "

Imagine that rather than having a naked chick every so many slides (as happened in a talk @ GoCaRuCo), you would have a picture of a negroid in chains animation pulling in the next slide of the presentation. Add a whip to the scene and it would make even a mostly white audience severely uncomfortable.

I think we're just far more sensitive to racism than to sexism, which makes it a bit harder to pick up acts of sexism.

Comment Refreshment of memory (Score 5, Informative) 1255

There was an example on a ruby conference earlier this year: http://dyepot-teapot.com/2009/04/25/dear-fellow-rubyists/

“If he had left it at a few introductory jokes, I would be writing a very different post. Instead the porn references continued with images of scantily-clad women gratuitously splashed across technical diagrams and intro slides. As he got into code snippets, he inserted interstitial images every few slides.

Comment Re:Maybe point to Evaluation Assurance Level? (Score 1) 674

I know that it is a poor measure, but it seems like something that carries weight when talking with customers. "There's this official security certificate system for Operating Systems, and Windows, Unix and Linux all reach the same EAL4+ level there." It seems like something that is nice and inspires confidence, and actually is true (but irrelevant). Wouldn't that work better to take a customers worry away then to educate them on FUD tactics, leaked source codes of windows being available, and the different comparisons of security flaws between operating systems?

Comment Maybe point to Evaluation Assurance Level? (Score 1) 674

I know that EAL might not say that much, but it is a nice and clear concept. The most safe operating systems are those that are in fighter jets and all, with an EAL of 6+, there are a bunch of normal OSes valuated at EAL4+, most of them open source, but also windows 2000, and I belief windows xp. Windows vista thus far is evaluated at EAL1. So, right now just point your customers to these articles: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evaluation_Assurance_Level http://gabriel.lozano-moran.name/blog/PermaLink,guid,4dc0e36a-d623-4a89-9ae6-da6edd0d55bb.aspx

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