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Comment Re:So who is he really? (Score 1) 586

>>>they busted Thomas Jefferson for impregnating Sally Hemmings

"busted"? Really? Are white men not allowed to have sex with black women (or vice-versa)? How colonial of you. --- From what illustrations I've seen, Sally was a gorgeous woman and I would have sex with her too. (With her permission of course - I'm too submissive to force someone to do something they don't want.)

Comment Re:In a free country (Score 1) 586

If a free country, the agents responsible would already be tarred-and-feather by the People (from which all legitimate authority derives).


"We, the People of the State of Maryland..... declare: That all Government of right originates from the People, is founded in compact only, and instituted solely for the good of the whole; and they have, at all times, the inalienable right to alter, reform or abolish their Form of Government in such manner as they may deem expedient."

Comment Re:So who is he really? (Score 1) 586

You sound like my art teacher, after I showed her video of cops beating an innocent jogger walking his dog. "I'm sure the cops had a good reason to beat him."

Riiight. More likely the cops (fbi) are Sick with power, and they do these things simply because they can, not because the citizen did anything wrong.

Comment demanded their property back (Score 1) 586

"Losers weepers; finders keepers." "Posession is nine-tenths of the laws," and so on. Balls thrown into my yard become my property - same applies with GPS devices found in my driveway.

The FBI would simply have to follow "the due process of law" if they wanted their discarded item back. I'm sure that would be most embarassing and reveal things they'd rather not reveal, but then I guess they shouldn't have left the GPS in my yard.


Comment Re:The German car I want (Score 0) 137

Comment Re:I would have thought this closer to 100% (Score -1, Troll) 196

I'm one of those who doesn't do updates. Mainly because I've read too many horror stories of updates making computers unbootable, or breaking the software, or whatever.

Instead I wait a month-or-so until I'm sure there's no negative outcomes being reported by the press.

I'm not surprised. The only thing worse than your Stupidity is your Shitty Grammar. Do us all a favor and just shut the hell up

You're too lazy to bother taking five minutes to understand what you're reading, or to put it into any sort of context. Which also explains why you keep making so many factually incorrect statements (about the law, banking, retailing, etc) that you could simply look up and accurately understand if you were so busy watching sitting on the couch watching ripped off entertainment and lamely trying to excuse it away by pretending that you, and only you, have good taste. You might be surprised at how transparent you are, seen from outside of your mom's basement. Maybe if you asked her for a bigger allowance, you could actually pay for some of what you're desparately trying to come up with ways to justify rippipng off.

You're just making the mistake of assuming that you're smarter than you actually are, and that we aren't on to you. Which is typical of kids like you. You'll grow out of it.

Comment Re:"We own it" (Score -1, Offtopic) 566

SHUT UP YOU FUCLING TROLLL!!!! Why won't the mods ban this commodore idiott already??? NO WONDER YOU KARMA IS "TERRIBLE"

c64_love writes:
More likely it's just because Bill Gates' protege Ballmer doesn't think software should be free. See his infamous Computer Users Group letter from circa 1977. He cited the unfairness of gaining the benefits of software authors' time, effort, and capital without paying them.

It's also reminiscent of how Microsoft sent letters to schools warning them that using open source and/or pirated software could be dangerous with possible legal consequences.
* "No software is free and spreading that misconception is harmful. These children look up to adults for guidance and discipline. I will research this as time allows and I want to assure you, if you are doing anything illegal, I will pursue charges as the law allows."

Comment Re:Smart people (Score -1, Troll) 618

For me it's not high IQ,

No shit sherlock

but "restraint" certainly has a lot to do with it. I don't see the need to spend ~$600/year for an internet-capable smartphone when my "dumb" phone can be had for $0.00 a year. (I only get billed when I use it - which is rare.)

Similarly I don't have cable TV. I used to when it was a decent price ($400/year) and Sci-Fi actually played sci-fi, but since the price skyrocketed to $900..... forget it. I put-up an antenna and now get 40+ channels for free.

Why don'y you SHUT UP freakin' troll? I'm tired of hearing about how CheapAss you are with your $0.00/month bills. If you're dso damn poor go get a job you ,lazy SOB!
I'm going to -1 mod you down so hard you'll never be able to post again.

Comment Re:What I want to know.... (Score -1, Offtopic) 159

c64love wrote:

BBC has a real problem understanding the concept of "archiving". For some reason they think just because they are done with the sites, nobody else wants them either, so just erase them.

It's somewhat similar to how they destroyed 1950s and 60s television tapes.

Shutup Troll. Or I and my friends will mod you into oblivion.

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