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Comment Re:Linux isn't ready (Score 1) 1127

Well, did you try using the Debian installer? Ubuntu is Debian for the most part.
Linux is linux, the different installers usually are the exact same thing wrapped in a package that the local system's package manager can easily install.

Comment Re:Will it run on Linux? (Score 2, Insightful) 120

Not all Ubuntu users are idiots when it comes to Linux. Someone had to create the distribution and someone has to maintain it. I use Ubuntu after years with Gentoo for the pure ease of how things work. And it's got a great community to help others ease into it. It's counter-productive to bash Ubuntu users. Really.
The Internet

Researchers Warn of Possible BitTorrent Meltdown 294

secmartin writes "Researchers at Delft University warn that large parts of the BitTorrent network might collapse if The Pirate Bay is forced to shut down. A large part of the available torrents use The Pirate Bay as tracker, and other available trackers will probably be overloaded if all traffic is shifted there. TPB is currently using eight servers for their trackers. According to the researchers, even trackerless torrents using the DHT protocol will face problems: 'One bug in a DHT sorting routine ensures that it can only "stumble upon success", meaning torrent downloads will not start in seconds or minutes if Pirate Bay goes down in flames.'"

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