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Comment Here is another good version of the story for you (Score 0) 799

I will only quote 1 part

At some point in the race, they struck an 87-year-old woman named Claire Menagh, who was walking in front of the building and, according to the complaint, was "seriously and severely injured," suffering a hip fracture that required surgery. She died three months later of unrelated causes.

Comment Re:Pardon my language and lack of depth, but.. (Score 0) 799

No need to pardon. Its stuff like this that makes it no wonder that a large portion of the world goes "WTF is wrong with America?!". Ok they are suing her what are they going to get from her? Money? Do you want her bike? Hell at 4-5 even if you really explain what happened its not something a child will really understand. That if they ever remember the incident.

Comment Re:On behalf of arizona... (Score 2, Informative) 624

Thats the issue with so much gun control. They want to ban guns to just law enforcment in the US or do something similarly drastic, but the issue is that a criminal isn't going into your local gun shop to have a background check done. The only thing putting heavy restrictions on the gun purchasing will do is make it take longer for me to buy a new gun.

Comment What do we even have these (Score 1) 429

types of stories here? This is never going to happen. You know why? Because not everyone has a smart phone. Hell I can count on 1 hand the number of people that have one that I know. And most of the ones that do just have them so they can show them off. I can buy a universal remote anywhere, and I don't have to worry about not being able to use my TV if I drop my service provider for the phone.

Comment Re:Any idea what it is? (Score 1) 685

There is 1 issue with your compairison. And that is we are talking about desktop computers not servers (I would bet there are more Windows desktops in the world than Linux servers). Your average user isn't going to setup a server in their room. The OP is correct the day you have the normal user in Linux the issues will happen because guess what the normal user isn't an admin. They will install things or download things they should not because they don't know any better. I've never had any issues with any of my windows systems but I'm not the average user so I don't download weird stuff and I keep my system up to date.

Comment This all makes me think of (Score 1) 170

changing my tv with hand motion. Right now this would never work think of all the uncontrolled facial expressions people use all the time. As for voice commands that someone else mentioned. I used to like them assuming you could record the commands and train the system. Otherwise the computer will pick anything that has about the same length as the same command. That and my wife thought I was crazy playing a game and yelling commands at my computer.

Comment Re:I thought we already had this option... (Score 1) 355

I'm shocked..... is available at no charge to fans who receive their high-speed internet connection from an affiliated internet service provider. is also available to fans that access the internet from U.S. college campuses and U.S. military bases.

Your current computer network falls outside of these categories. Here's how you can get access to

1. Switch to an affiliated internet service provider or to contact your internet service provider and request Click here to enter your ZIP code and find out which providers in your area carry offer

2. For Verizon Customers Only:
using remote access if you already get

For once I'm not paying for something on Time Warner that I don't ever fricking want.

Comment Re:Expected (Score 1) 1654

I have to agree with you there my wife is a controller for a multimillion dollar company and my father is a doctor and I doubt if either one of them could get a computer on a network unless a disk did it all for them. Its not that they aren't smart its just that they are not computer people. My father has people to do that for him and my wife has me so they have no need to learn it if they don't want to....No matter how much I would like one of them to. There are also a lot of people out there that just have no computer skills no matter how hard they try. Heck half the people I know couldn't format a hard drive if their life depended on it and that's something that I would bet anyone here can do right?.

Comment Re:whois (Score 1) 904

Lets see....and someone taking a pic of me would be just as bothering as watching someone whip out their breasts and start feeding their kid. Now I can live with it when they actually cover up. But when they don't care (or try) to cover up a little and take a "I can do this in public stance"...Then what is wrong with me having the same pigheadedness as them in going "well its in public so I can take a pic". Your argument is just hypocritical. You have an issue with me taking pics of the act and posting it because it would be offensive but don't care that someone else may find what the mother is doing offensive.

Comment Re:whois (Score -1, Troll) 904

Thats fine then don't get upset when I whip out my phone take a few boob pics and stare a little. I mean how often do I get to see real breasts in something other than a photo....I mean I read /. don't I? Besides I can always use the pics later. Maybe I can get then in a torrent up on Pirate Bay for everyone to enjoy.

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