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Comment Re:In Illinois? (Score 2) 225

I'm sure the first time a police officer asks for a bribe to let you out of a traffic ticket or slams you against the ground because he did not like the bumber stickers on your car, you will wish that the whole episode was being recorded. We have seen a few officers caught on tape being mean violent bullies have to pay the piper. Without those pieces of video it is the revered representative of the law's word against yours. The court usually favors its own and they know it.

That is not to say that more than a small percentage of law officers are bad seed, but this they are paid by the public to do the publics work in law enforcement and they are and should be beholding to us as their bosses and be held to a very high standard of conduct. Most law officers do their duty honorably but those that don't should be held account or we drop into a police state.

Comment Tell your Senators, Representatives, and the WH (Score 1) 403

Here is where your voice can be heard. Send an email to your Senator, your Congressman and the party leader, President Obama and let them know your feelings about whether that is really the will of the people and not the for the special interest of law enforcement at the expense of the rest of the citizenry.

Comment Re:Data Structures and algorithms (Score 1) 388

Let me use another analogy (actually programming is the art of analogy). Chess.

You have a board. (defined totally)
You have pieces
        Their characteristics are defined. Where they start. how they move.
You have initial piece placement.
You have some special rules (pawn en passant, castling, pawn promotion, responding to check, not moving into check)
You have the end (king check mate)

A start, a path, and end. Just like programming. but there are many paths, to the point that the problem is so complex that there are people that are beginners and people that are Chess Masters. Is there a difference in a game between Chess Masters vs beginners. Only someone with a good level of understanding of the game maybe could tell. It is just pieces on a board moved around, must be craft right?

Comment Re:Data Structures and algorithms (Score 1) 388

J2EE does allow a lot of latitude. One might argue too much. Initially .NET allowed simple solutions more easily. I remember a 45 minute intensive workshop at one Java One to implement a J2EE 'Hello World' app. Whats wrong with that picture?

We are given languages that give us functional verbs. We extend that set of verbs with our method writing towards a higher level, problem domain language to make it easier and more direct to say the solution to our problem in that higher level language. The frameworks are just specific languages that sometimes solve a different problem than you have on hand, but in some organizations you need to use that language for all applications. Like a maze of one way streets, sometimes your route to a solution with a framework can take you far afield.

Libraries are just bundles of sub-dialect that can pre-fill gaps in the language you are dealing with. But then I don't much care which language you are dealing with, it gets down to the Data Structures and Algorithms. I did Java for about 10 years and moved over to a Microsoft shop and do C# and VB.Net. Just different accents of the same language actually, but the coding is essentially the same.

Comment Re:Data Structures and algorithms (Score 1) 388

Its true much of programming especially in big shops is craft. Small shops, startups can be different, or even in large shops, the right brain leap into novel solutions is art. You make of it what you will. There are craftsmen and artists in the IT world. I have been lucky to get my share of art done. Art is an approach, like Martial Arts, you never hear of Martial Craftsmen, although that is much of who the ones learning the art are, like a draftsmen working for an architect. The aspiration it to climb up to be part of the Art. One aspires to understanding that allows more creative solutions rather than tab A into Slot A.

Comment Re:Data Structures and algorithms (Score 4, Interesting) 388

Ah, There is the difference, just as you might say that a novelist is a craftsman rather than an artist. There is a level of understanding and experience that transforms the craft to an art. If you only think of it as a craft then for you it is a craft and will always be a craft, but as the best engineering is invisible, the same is said for an artfully crafted program, with all the considerations and degrees of freedom handled, with the flow natural and maintainable. As there is an art to poetry which is just words and sentences pieced together , there is an art to programming as well. In the construction world there are carpenters, builders and architects. The architects are the artists at the top. The craft is below. It is much easier to do the art when you have wide ranging control. So not all environments allow the practice of that art. I hope at some time in the future you have that opportunity.

Comment Data Structures and algorithms (Score 5, Insightful) 388

After working for 40 years in IT and 27 years teaching CS at Northwestern part time I would say that a lot of the young programmers don't have a real sense of programming. They feel that knowing a particular framework is programming, or using a particular package is programming. But the deep programming comes from the Data Structures and algorithms used and the patterns used. There is an art to programming much of which comes with time, experience and study. So you may not be fashionable if you don't have all the latest acronyms on your resume but if you don't know the DS and Alg. you are just window dressing.

Comment Oh Good (Score 2) 251

Now Apple is going to put Chinese workers out of a job. I can see it in 20 years, the CEO and CTO the only ones raking in the money, in their automated office with roomba's (made in Poland) cleaning up the office after hours and their Google driverless cars taking them home, to their Toyota robot butler opening the door...

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