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Comment Re:OTOH (Score 1) 496

Like hell. Who want's to date a bro-grammer with sexist social skills and the self-entitlement of way too much money?
"Ladies" (as you so genteely put it) here in Seattle are already having issues with them, and homophobic violence has increased on the streets.
These Amazon-baited newcomers are not a positive social presence here.

Comment Killing us with rent (Score 2) 496

As a Seattlite, the impact that Amazon is having here is distinctly bad. Rents ARE rising at remarkable rates largely because Amazon has gone from 5,000 to 25,000 employees in the last 5-8 years, and they're being paid so much that they can easily afford $2k for 800sqft.

  If we're to expect *another* 20,000 Ama-workers... then fuck me. Anyone paid less than $100k/year will be forced to the fringes of the city, and traffic with become so bad that we'll have to adopt J.G. Ballard's "Chronopolis" solution, where different workers use different clocks in order to mitigate rush hour (or rather, rush hour just becomes permanent, instead of total gridlock for 2-3 hrs a day).

If Amazon wants that many workers, they should build their own dormitories for them. Lord knows these pale-faced socially-inept "bro-grammers" don't really use their living spaces for anything but re-heating microwave meals and whacking off. o_O

Comment "child" vs "young adult" (Score 2) 274

Let's distinguish between "paedophile" and "hebephile" in our laws, please?
"child" vs "young adult"

Seriously... a 17yo is distinctly NOT a child. 16yolds in other nations can vote on important matters, and until relatively recently, 16yolds could vote, own property, run a business and were in every way considered an adult in the USA.

Comment 'near real-time monitoring'? AT LAST! (Score 1) 269

> provide a near real-time view of what is happening on users' machines. Rest assured, the data is going to be obscured and aggregated, but intelligible enough to allow Microsoft to get detailed insights into user interactions with the OS.

FINALLY! I've been waiting for near real-time monitoring by Mycosoft for *years* now. It's at last going to be real.. I CAN"T WAIT! Inject Windows10 into my arm NOW PLEASE!!!

Comment Re:Another terrible article courtesy of samzenpus (Score 2) 385

I'm going to regret jumping into this fray, but the venerable BBC's headline states:

      "Seattle to fine residents and businesses for wasting food"

Although the body of their article also has the same Croll quote and finer details.
Perhaps reading comprehension and summarizing skills are in greater demand than we thought...

Comment The seeds of their undermining are being sown... (Score 1) 981

Nothing like attempting to enforce an ignorant population. It'll work for awhile (viz NORKOREA), but their downfall is written as a palimpsest in their radical pronouncements.
I seriously feel for the people being subjected to this insanity, intolerance, and violence, though, I hope they can get out.

Comment Re: they will defeat themselves (Score 4, Insightful) 981

Hey! Let's just ignore history, colonization, the ongoing impacts of the RC Church, and the niggling fact of who developed guns first.
Also, "third world countries" have plenty of culture, they are just not listening to Vivaldi and sipping tea with their pinkies extended.

Careful, your entitlement, ignorance, and racism are showing...

Comment Reduce name, Increase confusion (Score 4, Insightful) 352

As if MSware were not obfuscated and confusing enough. Now people won't know if you are talking about a PC with Windows installed, or your WinPho.

On the other hand, WindowsPhones will never get significant enough market share to really be that relevant to most of us techies, so it prolly won't matter.

Comment solar power is go (Score 1) 191

Here in the land of volcanoes, earthquakes and oceans (the US Pacific Northwest), *some* of us keep stores of water (>90gal here) and food among other things, (like candles, gas masks, duct tape & tea). Camping supplies are obvious and plentiful (stoves, gas, backcountry water purification pumps, first aid, etc); the key items are in a durable bin I can throw in the car in a moments notice. And documents are kept in a fireproof box. Plus I have 2 options for creating a temporary latrine, should our sewage systems get knocked out (& plenty of TP/bogrolls too). My office has earthquake kits and some supplies as well.

I don't worry about data; if my laptop & backups survive, awesome. If not, I'll miss all that por-- I mean: all those replaceable photos.
However, I have a solar battery charger for AA & AAA batteries (for the radio, flashlights,etc.), and a small "Solio" brand solar charger that can charge cell phones and other small electronics. Also a handheld LED flood light that can recharge from the cigarette lighter in the car, and which can also charge small electronics.
Walkie-talkies for local coordination, if that becomes necessary (otherwise: great for road trips!)
And while I know several of my neighbors, but more importantly I have a network of nearby, trustworthy & very reliable people with all sorts of builder, tech, medical and theater skills, and I know exactly where they live.

Good tips to keep your vehicle's gas topped up, and important docs on a USB drive on your keychain... smart, that.

Comment One sentient speicies per galaxy ? (Score 1) 686

Given the size of the Universe (that we understand so far), and the over 400,000 galaxies strung, web-like, across it, perhaps there is plenty o' Life out there, but each sentient species is isolated on it's own remote galactic island, unable to travel to any other galaxy, let alone cross it's own...

New 3-D Map of Massive Galaxies

Or maybe it's simply that all other sentient life is approximately the same age as us -- given the age of the Universe and how long it took *us* to show up and start questioning everything. If so, then they likely have similar technological capabilities as we do. Ergo, if we can't visit --let alone find-- them, they can't visit or find us either.

Strangers, passing like blind ships in an infinitely vast, inky night...

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