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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 38 declined, 10 accepted (48 total, 20.83% accepted)


Submission + - Intel guns for parallel processing, graphics

Dr. Damage writes: Last week's Intel Developer Forum didn't produce any major announcements because it wasn't focused on imminent new products. But quietly, in a number of small ways, we saw something further off, but more significant, coalesce: the future of Intel CPU technology is increasingly about highly parallel floating-point processing, whether it be via multicore processors, SSE4, application-specific accelerators, new types of coprocessors, or massively parallel chips with huge 'tiles' of execution resources offering teraflops of power for scientific computing, multimedia, physics, or — Intel appears to be especially sweet on this one — graphics. Could future tera-scale CPUs challenge GPUs for dominance?

Submission + - GeForce 7950 GT arrives with passive cooling

Dr. Damage writes: Nvidia's GeForce 7950 GT graphics card debuts today with the same old story: it's cheaper, faster, and better than the card it replaces. All of this would be the usual good news were it not for the fact that XFX's version of the 7950 GT comes with completely fanless passive cooling. The Tech Report has a full review of this intriguing beast, complete with power consumption and noise level tests against a broad array of single and multi-GPU setups.

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