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Submission + - MS Fly Scavenger Hunt In Second Life

Fawn Vu writes: "SCION AND MOVIETICKETS.COM PRESENT THE FIRST-EVER MS FLY IN SECOND LIFE Help achieve a world free of multiple sclerosis (MS) by soaring into the virtual world June 10th through 17th. The MS Fly — an expansion of the National MS Society's successful annual walk, is an engaging and interactive adventure dedicated to ending the unpredictable and chronic disease. Participate in this exciting and cause-worthy event on a week-long scavenger hunt as you journey through the virtual world of Second Life with your avatar and MS Cape. Scour islands for digital tokens that grant you completion of one phase of the hunt. With each new digital token acquired comes a new incentive for the participant and more money to help end MS. A kick-off celebration and ribbon cutting to jump-start the week-long event will take place June 10th at 9am PST on the MS Pavilion, located on the Illusion Factory West Island in Second Life. MS stops more than 2.5 million people worldwide from moving. The National MS Society exists to make sure it doesn't. It's Time to Fly! Register now at www.themsfly.org"

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MESSAGE ACKNOWLEDGED -- The Pershing II missiles have been launched.
