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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 72 declined, 5 accepted (77 total, 6.49% accepted)


Submission + - Microsoft radically changes Windows logo (

bobwrit writes: For the first time since Windows 3.1, released in 1990, Microsoft announced today that the Windows 8 logo will no longer be a waving flag. Instead, the logo will be -wait for it- a window. It will also be a single color, instead of the classic 4 color pattern that has also been used since 1990. The logo will be a light to mid dark, in perspective, so it appears the windows are closer to you on the right side. Overall, the logo takes hints from more modern graphic design techniques.

Submission + - Kindle Fire's market share goes above the 50% mark (

bobwrit writes: ComScore released new data today suggesting that the Amazon Kindle Fire currently holds 50% market share of the Android tablet market. The official mark is sitting at 54.4% total share for the device. The other devices figures were: The Galaxy Tab series: 15.4%, Xoom: 7.0%, Transformer: 6.3%, Toshiba AT100: 5.7%, and the Acer Picasso: 4.3%. The Kindle Fire's market share increased by about 15% in February, while the only tablet to gain any ground at all was the Asus Transformer, which increased by only 0.1%.

Submission + - Former MakerBot exec launches Solidoodle sub-$500 3D printer (

bobwrit writes: Let's be honest — we all want a a 3D printer to call our own, right? Price has always been a significant barrier to the dream of printing pretty much everything your imagination can conjure (barring some hardware limitations, of course). For its part, MakerBot has made some significant strides toward tearing some of those barriers, and now Solidoodle, led by that company's former COO Samuel Cervantes, is looking to take the trend even further. The company's current self-tilted model starts at just under $500. The printer, which is now up for pre-order, can print plastic pieces up to 6" x 6" x 6", and "all you need to supply is a computer and power." Also, interestingly, "a 200-pound man can literally stand on top of the machine while it's printing. " So, that's a bonus

Submission + - ITC judge finds Apple in violation of Motorola WiFi patent (

bobwrit writes: "Motorola Mobility Holdings Inc. (MMI) won a partial U.S. International Trade Commission judge’s ruling in its bid to block imports of Apple Inc. (AAPL)’s devices including the iPhone and iPad tablet computer.

Apple violated one of four Motorola Mobility patent rights being contested, ITC Judge Thomas Pender said in a notice posted today. The patent relates to 3G technology. The other three patents weren’t violated, according to the notice.

The judge’s findings are subject to review by the six- member commission, which has the power to block imports that infringe U.S. patents."


Submission + - ITC ruling finds Microsoft Xbox violates Motorola Patents (

bobwrit writes: (Note: Other sources: and )
From the article:
" Potential bad news to start out the week for Microsofties: a judge from the US International Trade Commission has issued a preliminary ruling that finds Microsoft's Xbox 360 infringes on five of Motorola's patents. While the decision is by no means final — which means that the Redmond outfit could ultimately prevail — a final ruling would force Microsoft's hand to seek proper licenses for the technologies, most of which relate to H.264 video encoding, or have its gaming console banned from US shelves. For now, the lawyers will go back to the lab to refine their arguments and get ready to present them to a full panel of ITC judges later this year. Who wants to set odds on the outcome?"


Submission + - Mandatory 'Big Brother' Black Boxes In All New Cars From 2015 onward (

bobwrit writes: "A bill already passed by the Senate and set to be rubber stamped by the House would make it mandatory for all new cars in the United States to be fitted with black box data recorders from 2015 onwards.

Section 31406 of Senate Bill 1813 (known as MAP-21), calls for “Mandatory Event Data Recorders” to be installed in all new automobiles and legislates for civil penalties to be imposed against individuals for failing to do so.

“Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall revise part 563 of title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, to require, beginning with model year 2015, that new passenger motor vehicles sold in the United States be equipped with an event data recorder that meets the requirements under that part,” states the bill."


Submission + - How Facebook-Instagram deal highlights Zuckerberg's hacker spirit (

bobwrit writes: If reports Wednesday are to be believed, one of the tech industry's biggest deals in recent history was hammered out almost exclusively by two 20-somethings over the course of what amounts to a long weekend.

On April 8, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg let the company's board of directors know he was about to spend $1 billion on hot photo start-up Instagram — just hours before the deal was done, according to the Wall Street Journal.

The deal was nailed down, unnamed sources told the Journal, in only three days. Meetings between Zuckerberg, 27, and Instagram head Kevin Systrom, 28, that took place at Zuckerberg's multi-million-dollar Palo Alto, California, home.

It's a move that shows Zuckerberg displaying the hacker spirit that helped him launch a social-media juggernaut in his college dorm room. And that's a spirit that doesn't always jibe with the image of CEO of a corporation expected to be valued at up to $100 billion when it makes its first public stock offering in the next few weeks.


Submission + - Samsung drops the price of the Galaxy Tab 7 to $50 Continue reading on Examiner (

bobwrit writes: "Today, Samsung announced that they will be lowering the price of the original Galaxy Tab to $50, with a new Verizon contract. This offer will be sustained until April 22nd. This tablet is still being shipped with Android 2.2 on it. It also has a back facing 3 MP camera, with a front facing 1.3 MP camera. In order to get this price, you will need to order the tablet from the Verizon store."

Submission + - Facebook reveals what data it collects on users (

bobwrit writes: Today, Facebook announced that they will provide its users with a download of all of the data it collects on them. In this data, it includes: chat logs, photos, friends. friend's emails, wit all posts, IP Addresses you have used, the previous names you have used, friend requests you have made, and more will be added soon. For the friend's emails, they only show users the emails that their friends have shared with them(so, if their email is listed as only viewable to them, or group you're not in, you can't see it). They also stated that this expanded archive will slowly roll out to all of the sites 845 million users.

Submission + - Boeing preparing an ultra-secure smartphone (

bobwrit writes: Earlier this week, it was revealed that aerospace firm Boeing was working on a high security mobile device for the various intelligence departments. This device will most likely be released later this year, and at a lower price point than other mobile phones targeted at the same communities. Typically, phones in this range cost about 15,000-20,000 per phone, and use custom hardware and software to get the job done. This phone will most likely use Android as it's main operating system of choice, which lowers the cost per phone, since Boeing's developers don't have to write their own operating system from scratch.

Submission + - Facebook reveals what data it has collected on users (

bobwrit writes: From the Article:
Today, Facebook announced that they will provide its users with a download of all of the data it collects on them. In this data, it includes: chat logs, photos, friends. friend's emails, wit all posts, IP Addresses you have used, the previous names you have used, friend requests you have made, and more will be added soon. For the friend's emails, they only show users the emails that their friends have shared with them(so, if their email is listed as only viewable to them, or group you're not in, you can't see it). They also stated that this expanded archive will slowly roll out to all of the sites 845 million users.


Submission + - Santorum suspends campaign, clearing Romney's path ( 1

bobwrit writes: "From the Article:
Conservative challenger Rick Santorum announced Tuesday that he is suspending his Republican presidential campaign after a weekend of "prayer and thought," effectively ceding the GOP nomination to front-runner Mitt Romney.

Santorum made his announcement after the weekend hospitalization of his 3-year-old daughter Isabella, and in the face of tightening poll numbers in Pennsylvania — the state he represented as a U.S. senator — ahead of the April 24 primary.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we made the decision to get into this race around our kitchen table, against all the odds," Santorum told a news conference, flanked by emotional family members. "We made a decision over the weekend that while the presidential race for us is over, and I will suspend my campaign effective today, we are not done fighting."


Submission + - 1.5 million Mastercard and Visa accounts comprimised (

bobwrit writes: From the article:
Global Payments, one of the more popular 3rd party payment processors, revealed today that it had 1,500,000 Mastercard and Visa account's information breached from their servers. The company began showing signs that it had been broken into on Friday, when it announced that 50,000 accounts had been compromised. However, the company claims that the breech is contained to the best of their ability, and not to worry. However, it is largely uncertain what specific pieces of data were affected. We do know, however, that at least the credit card numbers were accessed.


Submission + - Google introduces 'Gmail Tap' (

bobwrit writes: From the article:
" Today, Google announced that for gMail, they will be introducing a new keyboard for the app. This keyboard is called 'Google Tap'. The goal of this keyboard is to make it simpler and easier for the everyday user to use. How Google achieves this, is that it gives 3 buttons to input text: A dot, a slash, and a space. Their reasoning for this is, "What is easier to use than 3 buttons?". How you input text, is you input it using Morse Code. You can also use two separate keyboards, to double your typing speed and to be able to type two separate messages at once. "


Submission + - Supreme court declares human genes 'unpatentable' (

bobwrit writes: From the article:
Today, the Supreme Court declared that, for the current US Patent system, human genes are unpatentable. This opens up the door for the court to declare genes in general to be unpatentable, but it still is yet to be seen whether or not the Supreme Court will take up such a case. This decision largely comes from a decision last week, in which the court threw out a couple more patents for genes.

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