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Comment Re:Holy Colons Batman (Score 1) 544

He's also using "to" instead of "too" in some places, "its" when it should be "it's", and the sentence about 12 year old humor isn't even complete.

God I hope my children don't go to Hope College. :)

Comment Re:6 months to regain fertility (Score 1) 519

It's a crap shoot, really. Everybody will be a little bit different. Female birth control works pretty much the same way. You never really no how long you have to be off it until you're fertile again. Depending on the time, some can take up to as long as 18 months. Took my wife between 9 and 10 months when she came off hers.

Comment Re:Ok, I'm sold, but that's just the first year. (Score 1) 243

Plastics, at least the kind used in garbage bags and a whole bunch of other consumer goods, are horrible in sun light. You don't notice it in everyday life, but in agriculture that crap gets exposed to sun a whole lot. It's kinda important to the growing process.

I used to work in a greenhouse and you'd see a PVC pipe shatter into pieces if it'd been installed for, oh, 10 years, and you barely bumped it with something like a broom.

Hell the clear poly that they drape over a greenhouse is only good for 6 maybe 7 years. It starts to get brittle and weak after that.

Comment Re:20 second explanation (Score 1) 612

Yeah, yeah, yeah. :)

I thought about mentioning that in my "It'll blow up in C# and Java" comment but didn't want to get too pedantic. I made the same mistake when I went to verify that I was right and the compiler caught the error. I'm still trying to shake some Java habits after 2 years of being in .NET.

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