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Submission + - Five year olds taught net saftey (bbc.co.uk)

Feef Lovecraft writes: A major campagin launched today to teach children some as young as five years old the important of safe guarding their online identity and not talking to strangers.
The campaign is launched on EU Internet Safety Day on the back of a study from last Autumn that suggested 80% of five to seven-year-olds in the UK use the internet and that among nine to 11-year olds, 94% do so.

Submission + - Best Hardware for Linux

An anonymous reader writes: Dearest Slashdotters,

Here we are entering 2010, and I've found myself in need of a new PC. I would like to build my new PC specifically with linux in mind. I don't plan on playing video games although I would like to take full advantage of the eye-candy Compiz has to offer, in addition to some video and graphic editing. As far as I can tell, Intel seems to be the way to go however all the recommendations I can find are outdated.

So, if you had a budget of $6-800, knowing that linux (Ubuntu) was going to be the primary OS, what hardware would you choose that is as up to date as possible with durability / lifespan / eye-candy in mind? Or on your own budget, what would your "ultimate linux machine" hardware specifications be for 2010?

Submission + - Signs of water found on Saturnian moon Enceladus (spacefellowship.com)

Matt_dk writes: Scientists working on the Cassini space mission have found negatively charged water ions in the ice plume of Enceladus. Their findings, based on analysis from data taken in plume fly-throughs in 2008 and reported in the journal Icarus, provide evidence for the presence of liquid water, which suggests the ingredients for life inside the icy moon. The Cassini plasma spectrometer, used to gather this data, also found other species of negatively charged ions including hydrocarbons.

Comment Turning back the doomdsday clock (Score 3, Insightful) 1721

However, I would love if President Obama showed the world how good he is by refusing to accept it stating he has so much more work he still needs to do. However isn't Will Smith giving out the award? I don't think I could refuse an award by Will Smith so I can't blame President Obama if he reluctantly accepts. For what it's worth I still think he is worthy of the Nobel Peace Prize, even this soon in as long as he can deliver on the good strong start he has made.

Comment One countries twice? (Score 2, Interesting) 958

Just reliased when I was quite young I visited Germany(East) and now I am older and that wall thing was torn down I have visited Germany. So does that count as two countries or one country twice or nnnng. Plus Scotland, England and Wales; according to the internet each is a seperate country despite sharing the common Great Britian name. So my answer may be higher or lower then I think.

Comment Re:PR (Score 1) 515

I still like the Now Show idea, becuase the BNP can't actually stop ethnic minorties joining (The equality comission said so) get as many people to join as possible then force an AGM to elect a new leader of the party, one of these new ethnic minorities that has joined. At that point most of the BNP "true" member will quit and leave and you keep the initals BNP but change what it stands for, no longer the British National Party but the Blue Nosed Pteradactayls, mostly as it'll upset many of the "true" BNP supporters as they won't figure out why Pteradactayl starts with a P...

Comment Re:The logic is obvious (Score 1) 554

Michael Savage was recently mentioned by the UK papers as appearing on a list of "undersirables" people that would actively be denied entry to the UK based on the grounds he is; "Considered to be engaging in unacceptable behaviour by seeking to provoke others to serious criminal acts and fostering hatred which might lead to inter-community violence." The Guardian had a full list here

Comment UK Law vs US Law (Score 1) 278

I can understand that the activity all happened within the US but i'm not quite so sure why there is the instance on extriditing him apart from presumably that a guy on his mom's computer managed to hack into supposedly the most secure computers at the time leaving them with egg on their face and a great deal of embarrasment.
The computer misuse act in the UK is pretty strong and would come with fines and imprisonment for up to 10 years.

Comment Re:Legal CYA (Score 1, Insightful) 311

"Doesn't the United Kingdom have a Bill of Rights-type document?" Nope, nothing like that at all. It's quite likely however the people that have been disconnected were doing something wrong, we aren't talking about the old granny who doesn't have the internet being served by the RIAA here this will be people that will have been using torents (possibly legally more likely however not) and have broken the service agreement with Karoo. Thus they were disconnected.

Comment Meanwhile in SWG (Score 0) 209

I'm not hugely impressive really look at the lumbering old Star Wars Galaxies (6 years old soon) that not only enables you to switch faction (2 week waiting period) but also enables you to completely change your career, bored running around with that glowstick just go speak to a dude and become a Officer or a Smuggler. It's not perfect but it beats grinding up an entirely new chracter.

Comment Re:Duh. (Score 0) 31

The pen and paper RPG used a varient of Phoenix Command including the excitement of 1/2 second combat rounds as you "roleplay" the trajectory of the bullet passing through objects (skin, bone, organs, etc...) it was pretty good game from what I recall but very 80's.

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