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People Emit Visible Light 347

An Anonymous Reader writes "The human body literally glows, emitting a visible light in extremely small quantities at levels that rise and fall with the day, scientists now reveal. Japanese researchers have shown that the body emits visible light, 1,000 times less intense than the levels to which our naked eyes are sensitive. In fact, virtually all living creatures emit very weak light, which is thought to be a byproduct of biochemical reactions involving free radicals."

Comment Boys and Girls (Score 3, Insightful) 279

World of Warcraft and Counter-Strike... those that hook the most patients (boys)

Online chat programs more often hook girls

Why am I not surprised that the girls like to talk and the boys like to play combat (remember cowboys and indians? cops and robbers?).

Very indicative of our society as a whole. Just sayin' . . .

Comment Ok? (Score 3, Insightful) 134

So what happens when you are typing and listening to music, you head is swinging back and forth to the beat? Will the gaze thingy be able to follow or will you pass in and out of it's "verified" zone?

Perhaps it would do better to map your face like they do at gambling casinos. Then if it sees anyone other than your face, it takes corrective action.

Comment I too ANAL (Score 1) 339

Seems to be she would be barred from another law suit since she already litigated the issue. At the time of the initial litigation, you are supposed to bring all the issues at the same time, not piece meal.

However, this is a case for Super NYCL to weigh in.

Comment Combating Cyberfraud (Score 2, Interesting) 263

What we need is for someone to create a program, open source of course, where people can create text files of public domain works, submit said works and then those who have the program, can download those works they want and forever have access to them.

There are programs available on the religous side for those works which are in the public domain (i.e. early church fathers, bibles, dictionaries, lexicons, etc), but I don't see any for the non-secular side.

Perhaps if a few started a website and elicited volunteers to help with the code so that the program - lets call it "Free Works", is available for all OS's. Then students, scholars, professors, and the general public could and would have access without having to pay such outragous fees for something that should be free.


DNA Suggests Three Basic Human Groups 459

Death Metal writes "All of Earth's people, according to a new analysis of the genomes of 53 populations, fall into just three genetic groups. They are the products of the first and most important journey our species made — the walk out of Africa about 70,000 years ago by a small fraction of ancestral Homo sapiens."

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