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Comment Welcome to the New World! (Score 4, Insightful) 11

What consumers around the world need to fully understand (and don't really seem to yet) is that ALL modern data-driven devices represent a new era of consumer product in that each device operates like a two-way mirror. No longer is the product simply yours to use or not. The retail side consumer, no matter what he/she believes they are doing with "their device", are merely entering data points into a vast cyber-machine -- data which numerous others will be collecting, collating, extrapolating, buying, selling, and much, much more. Every "terminal" is equally operable from the other side of the device, most often invisibly to the consumer. This new generation of products actually provides more value to the "other" owner/users (businesses, hackers and government agencies) operating behind the "mirror". Most of these devices could be handed out for free, and yet still provide gigantic profits - sort of like the paper magazine business model. When you have a connected refrigerator other entities will have it too - they just won't be using it to store food. Yet arguably that fridge will be worth more to them than to you!

Comment Re:Education (Score 5, Insightful) 482

In other words, people are fucking morons.

“It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of The New England Journal of Medicine.” --- Dr. Marcia Angell (Harvard Medical School)

Apparently those untrusting "fucking morons" are in very good company.

Comment Re:are google glass users ready for... (Score 1) 469

you can't make facial recognition technology disappear by punching people in the face.

Well, actually you can if people are getting punched so much that all faces become unrecognizable (and with a different appearance each time they get scanned). That would effectively render the technology useless.

I'm not advocating this.

Comment Re:Legality vs Enforceability (Score 2) 183

Sadly, it took a European to tell us that "We the People of the United States" are the ones to hold our government accountable. Duh, hello! It's "We the People" that granted the United States any powers it may have. Any powers we did not specifically grant the government are powers it does not legitimately possess. And I am certain our European friend is also correct in that the rest of the world would be quite grateful were we to reign in our "monster".

As a side note, perhaps now would be a good time to listen carefully to Steppenwolf's "Monster"(youtube link) -- especially those of you who are unfamiliar with the song.

Comment Re:Not a surprise, but still... (Score 1) 464

...there is only one solution to this problem: we urgently need to get big money out of politics...

Problem misidentified. We need to clear the blue-blood elitist upper class out of all the processes which ultimately determine the fates of everyone they feel are beneath them. If you got the "big money" out of the (visible) picture, what makes you think the establishment's "good ol' boy network" will also be gone?

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