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Comment As long as we're delving into history... (Score 1) 442

... and bringing up Exxon and Phillip Morris (further below). Let's go back a little further.

Remember how much crap Galileo had to take, 'way back when? Remember thinking, in elementary school, how could people have been so stupid back then. Thank goodness we live in an age of reason now, right? Remember thinking that?

I just flashed on the thought that maybe those attitudes were just our grade school naivety, brought about by not realizing (back then, so young) that scientists have always had to fight against sophomoric orthodoxy from the inside and arrogant stupidity from the outside. Hoc opus hic labor est. No sense in complaining about it.

(Yeah, I know. That Latin quote is a descent-into-hell reference. But if you realize, that's what your job is, to push back the boundaries of stupidity, and it ain't ever going to be easy, maybe it won't seem so bad to have chosen that path.)

Comment Re:Unconstitutional to Arrest a Congressman (Score 1) 941

Absolutely correct. Completely unconstitutional. That's why constitutional immunity is the finest kind to have. Not just immunity against prosecution, both criminal and civil. Immunity against arrest. Also, any physical assault or battery on a US Senator, no matter how minor or gentle, is a felony.

Someone in the TSA, probably several people, will soon be learning a hard, painful lesson they should've learned in high school.

P.S., FYI: The term the Legislative Branch uses is Member of Congress, not Congressman. Refers neutrally to both House and Senate, male and female.

Comment Oops, too late. (Score 1) 344

Less than a day after this Slashdot posting, a hunter in Vermont shot his friend and hunting buddy, then himself, presumably out of sadness and grief. It hit the news nationwide because the guy who did the shooting was the son of a state representative.

Makes it kinda hard to laugh at the hunter joke in The Fine Article, no matter how universally appreciated it is.

So yeah, by all means, laugh while you still can. But do so even if Big Brother isn't watching. Events come around quickly enough to make any joke lose its funny.

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