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Comment Re:Friendly AI (Score 1) 583

I never said we could predict an AI's behavior. However, I think we should control whatever variables we can -- such as the associations an AI develops with individual humans and the human species as a whole during its formative period. Even if we can't predict an AI's behavior or understand its thinking, I'd rather not have to live through a fucking Butlerian Jihad. :)

Comment Re:Friendly AI (Score 1) 583

LessWrong AI worship(the idea of "friendly AI" was created by that site) is always so weird to me. People who imagine themselves rationalistic, atheistic, forward thinkers building their entire belief system on extrapolations from a practically impossible, mathematically questionable, philosophically flimsy literally omniscient(that somehow derives omnipotence) entity that they somehow help create almost exclusively by believing hard enough.

Cool story, bro. I don't frequent the LessWrong site or participate in that community, so I don't particularly care that the phrase came from there. Nor do I care about their beliefs.

I'll believe in the Singularity when it's happened, and not a second before. Nor am I convinced that AI as we've imagined it is possible. If we do create computer intelligence, I wouldn't be surprised if it was so alien to us that only the sort of Real Programmer who thinks in assembly language could talk to it. However, I still think that if we're going to have AI, we'd all be better off if the AIs we create aren't misanthropic assholes.

Comment Friendly AI (Score 3, Insightful) 583

If we want friendly AI, the key may be to ensure that the AI has more positive associations with people than neutral or negative associations. Mistreat a dog or a cat its entire life and it probably won't be friendly toward people. Mistreat people when they're young and you make it harder for them to trust others, feel a sense of community, or recognize any duty to society (which might explain why so many nerds find libertarianism appealing). Why would an AI be different?

Comment Is it that hard to drive safely? (Score 2) 215

Isn't it easier to just drive carefully, refrain from exceeding the posted speed limit by more than 5-10mph depending on whether you're in town or on a highway, stay in the right lane, avoid tailgating, and use your turn signals? The people who would find this useful are the sort of crazy asshole drivers for whom I used to keep a grenade launcher.

Unfortunately, my wife took away the M-79 I kept under the dash soon after we got married. Said it made her nervous.

Comment Re:What is critical thinking? (Score 1) 553

However, it's my job to tell you that He did it, so you may put down your yoke now and give it to Him.

Congratulations. You're proselytizer number 65,536. That's how many demon-ridden idiots have told me about how Jesus allegedly died for my sins since I realized that I didn't believe a word of the Bible. None of them could persuade me, and you won't manage it either. Not when I've driven off Jesuits.

I don't know if you've noticed, but we have these things called the Internet and Google. Anybody who wants to learn about Jesus can find out for themselves. The whole "spread the word" issue is solved, so maybe you should focus on emulating Jesus instead of telling people about him.

Comment Re:What is critical thinking? (Score 1) 553

Don't be an idiot. I'm not going to hurt anybody thinking I can get at God that way -- because I don't believe in God. He's imaginary as far as I'm concerned, just like all his angels, and Zeus, Odin, Isis, Astarte, Izanagi, Vishnu, and every other god and demon humans have venerated over the centuries.

I'm not your friend, and any "grief" of mine is my own concern. Bear your own cross and leave me to bear mine in peace.

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