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Comment Re:Pick a different job. (Score 1) 548

If your ideals actually meant anything to you, you'd despise corporations and government itself with the same fervor with which you speak against unions. Instead, you're a typical secular Republican: you rail against any form of collectivism that helps workers, but rally around all forms of collectivism that serve to preserve the privileges and wealth of America's ruling classes.

Get rid of corporations and government, show me a real free market, and I'll happily compete without seeking recourse from a union of my fellow workers.

Comment Re:Pick a different job. (Score 2) 548

Is there a threshold value at which conditions do become bad enough to warrant organization? Private-sector unionization is on life-support, and the public sector isn't much better. Meanwhile, wages for the average worker in constant dollars have stagnated while prices and corporate profits continually increase. It's not like the government gives a shit about us, so maybe it's time we banded together and started looking out for ourselves and each other.

Comment Re:Pick a different job. (Score 1) 548

Get out of my trade. Unions are not your friends. I've watched as union workers fucked me over at trade shows. If you feel that unionizing is what you need, then I submit that, as a developer, you aren't capable enough keep a real job.

Pay me enough, and I'll happily GTFO of the programming trade. $50,000/year will do.

Comment Pick a different job. (Score 5, Insightful) 548

I wish I had known to pick a different trade instead of programming. Programming isn't a profession like law or medicine. It's a skilled trade like plumbing, masonry, or electrical work. But unlike plumbers and electricians, programmers aren't smart enough to unionize, and so they get fucked in the ass by management. If you have to live in the United States, don't become a programmer. There are better ways to earn a living.

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