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Comment Steam, netflix, itunes (Score 1) 247

Steam, direct2drive, The online game distributors are rising from the ground at a quick rate. And the games are getting larger and larger. How long until blu-ray replaces dvd for games on pc? Offering a 20 gb game to someone who has a 20 gb monthly limit is not going to get you any sales. And future game streaming services like OnLive are impossible with capped internet. Netflix, hulu,... You can not watch a movie a day with that limit. If someone wants to buy a movie a day from your service they quite simply can't. Your consumers can not buy as much as they want. Or they end up paying twice. One euro for that gb they downloaded on top of the price of the movie. In other words not competitive with your local video shop. Capped internet is putting a bottleneck at the advancement of internet services. With the current limits in Belgium online movie watching or streamed is not feasible. Piracy might rise with uncapped internet but you're not going to get any more money from online services to fill your pockets either.

Comment Re:Which is why (Score 1) 536

Every single, new game that's released on steam is a lot more expensive then I can find them at a retail shop ( If you save $10 on shipping costs you can damn well make your downloadable game price match a retail version.

Comment Re:Download limits (Score 1) 121

Collaboration with an ISP does look like the only way to pull this off. It limits the cost of the ISP as the data does not leave their domains and it benefits the customer with a very low ping.

I do wonder if the ISPs will be eager to do this. For streaming movie services my ISP already has their own alternative. I can't see them partner with services like Hulu as it would mean cutting into the profits of their own services. As for game streaming, time will tell.

Comment Addons and Settings (Score 1) 121

I noticed that the World of Warcraft demo was given with the default UI. I can't imagine having to play WoW without a dozen of addons. Is it possible to use addons? Or mods for other games...

And some of those key combos looked very weird. The first thing I do when I start a game is rebind my keys to the numpad. If I can't change and save those settings I'll pass.

Comment Download limits (Score 2, Insightful) 121

Here in Belgium all major ISPs have monthly download limits. Mine is at 30gb. That means I'll be able to play a few hours before I reach my limit.

Streaming videos or games will not work as long as these caps are there. And seeing how my ISP also delivers us video on demand (which doesn't count towards my download limit) I really can't see them eager to change this.

Comment Both teached in Belgium (Score 1) 835

My university (Belgium) did have a focus on Linux and Windows during my computer science education. Linux was treated as a beginner course (what's list, grep, cron,...) and Windows as an advanced course (what's ldap etc). But some of us end up as system or network admins. So learning to set up a DNS server was done in both Linux & Windows. Programming classes were also divided. For example: C in Linux, C# in Windows, java was free choice: use whichever you prefer. And some people ended up doing their C# tasks in mono anyway. There wasn't much of a Microsoft lock in. Thesises were advised to be written in Latex. While at my sisters college thesises have to be written in Word. Oh, Mac wasn't even mentioned.

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