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Comment Re:Like everywhere else it's been tried... (Score 0) 732

So..based on the metrics you provided, if the ponzi scheme collapses you will admit that the free healthcare was basically paid for by subtle enslavement of the third world?

If you disagree, then we and our children really could sustain our lifestyle forever without ripping off poor people?

I am kind of trolling, but really?

Comment Re:Right...just change the "acceptable level"! (Score 3, Interesting) 536

Thank you. I really don't mean to sound like a dick but if you are worried about this I just want to ask these questions rather than spending the time to seek out the data myself. I have no opinion either way on nuclear power. Once again I completely realize repeatedly asking these questions is making me seem hostile, but I am not trying to be like that.

It is common for definitions of vague concepts like "irregular" to change over time. Has that occurred in this case? Why have the researchers failed to use a parametric approach (ie quantify "how irregular")? Why is the term used "irregular" rather than one that more strongly implies damaging to health?

How does the sampling strategy of children's thyroid glands differ between before fukushima and after?

Comment Re:Because science is boring (Score 1) 536

You know this, I know this, the "media" knows this. They know that radiation is scarier than water, and that scarier things get more eyeballs... so they run with that story. People need to learn that the purpose of the news is not to inform, but to get you watching commercials.

I don't see how that is a rebuttal. (maybe it wasn't meant to be).

Comment Re:Good luck with that! (Score 1) 361

The other thing is that one of these times the dollar won't withstand the crisis. That time will be when you were (probably) happy to have commodities or other actual valuable items and skills rather than stock. For the record I currently hold no gold but could probably be persuaded to buy a bit (probably coins) on a big enough dip.

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