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Submission + - Where Is Population In The Climate Debate? 1

anorlunda writes: "One of the 6,780 reports released today by Wikileaks, is entitled Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Perspective on the Top 20 Emitters and Developed Versus Developing Nations (RL32721 / 2008-12-24) It contains some very simple, easy to understand, and very useful information about greenhouse emissions.

Namely, it says Population delta + per capita GDP delta + Intensity delta = Emissions delta

An interesting side point is that the current world-wide recession causing big negative GDP growths will have a huge inadvertent impact on emissions.

Most important, the equation makes clear that if we continue to allow population to grow, and if we are committed to elimination of poverty, and ending the recession, then population and GDP growth inevitably overwhelm any gains we can make in intensity (i.e. energy consumption and efficiency). There is no scenario in which technology can outrace population x GDP.

Despite that, it seems that 100% of the debate hot air on climate change is over intensity. We are barking up the wrong tree! Assuming that we remain committed to elimination of poverty, the only way that we can beat the climate change problem is to reduce population. Efficient light bulbs be damned; how are we going to reduce global population?

Here's some figures from the report (in percent per year.)
... Population delta + per capita GDP delta + Intensity delta = Emissions delta
... global: +1.4 +1.7 -1.6 = +1.6
... USA: +1.2 +1.8 -1.9 = +1.0
... China +0.9 +9.1 -4.9 = + 4.8
... EU-27 +0.3 +1.8 -2.4 = -0.4
... Russian Fed -0.2 -0.4 -2.0 = -2.7"

Star Cooler Than Venus Found 55

crossconnects writes to mention that Discovery is reporting that astronomers have found a nearby star with a mild surface temperature of 660 degrees fahrenheit. "The spectacularly unspectacular object is of special interest because it falls right smack in the middle of the final frontier that divides mega-planets from the puniest stars. Stars in that realm theoretically qualify as an entirely new stellar type -- what's called a Y class dwarf."

Ralph Nader Might Announce Run For President 333

SonicSpike writes "According to the AP, Ralph Nader could be poised for another presidential campaign. Nader will appear on NBC's 'Meet the Press' tomorrow to announce whether he will launch another White House bid. Nader kicked off his 2004 presidential run on the show. Kevin Zeese, who was Nader's spokesman during the 2004 presidential race said, 'Obviously, I don't think Meet the Press host Tim Russert would have him on for no reason.'"

'Innovation In a Flash' Is a Myth 163

An anonymous reader writes "A New York Times article spells out what most of us probably already knew: real innovation takes lots of time and hard work to come to fruition. The article looks at the origins of new ideas, and attempts to dispel the myth that 'Eureka' moments create change. Comments author Scott Berkun, 'To focus on the magic moments is to miss the point. The goal isn't the magic moment: it's the end result of a useful innovation. Everything results from accretion. I didn't invent the English language. I have to use a language that someone else created in order to talk to you. So the process by which something is created is always incremental. It always involves using stuff that other people have made.'"

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