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Comment Re:New doomsday scenario? (Score 1) 383

It's 640 light years away (give or take). Would the neutrinos affect us at all? Is this another doomsday scenario? I would imagine that it'd be hellishly bright in the night sky. What does science say about it? I'm rusty on my astronomy, but it'd be awesome to see.

meh - 640 light years ought to be enough for anyone


Twitter Gets Slammed By the StalkDaily XSS Worm 145

CurtMonash writes "Twitter was hit Saturday by a worm that caused victims' accounts to tweet favorably about the StalkDaily website. Infection occurred when one went to the profile page of a compromised account, and was largely spread by the kind of follower spam more commonly used by multi-level marketers. Apparently the worm was an XSS attack, exploiting a vulnerability created in a recent Twitter update that introduced support for OAuth, and it was created by the 17-year-old owner of the StalkDaily website. More information can be found in the comment thread to a Network World post I put up detailing the attack, or in the post itself. By evening, Twitter claimed to have closed the security hole."

Comment Re:Quantals (Score 1) 236

I RTFB, thank you. Sorry 'bout his first name...

Just a little joke at your expence and no offence intended. If you haven't already read it Ian Stewart's "Does God Play Dice" is a good read and a bit more mathematical if that's likely to help. I enjoyed it but as you can see from my sense of humour there's no accounting for taste.

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