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Comment Re:Crock of shit (Score 1) 168

It isn't just slashdot either. Extraordinary claims + no extraordinary evidence = BAM front page of major news site + accepted as fact by 1/3 of our facebook friends.

This story is far fetched and is definately not the simplest possible explanation. I call bullshit. Slashdot should know better.

This pic says it better than I can.

Comment Re:I disagree (Score 1) 289

You have basically two choices: Program to a older API, and ignore all new features, or, Program to a newer API, and ignore all older phones.

There is a 3rd choice that is usually ignored in these discussions: support the feature if it's present on the device, but do not require it. Continue running the app without the functionality if it is not available on the device. The term is graceful degradation.

Comment Meeting circumstances don't matter (Score 1) 313

Ask anyone who has dated around enough and they'll tell you that the circumstances under which you first meet don't matter for much. Sure, for a few weeks she'll be "my new OkCupid girl" or "my new Barnes and Noble girl" to you, but that fades. At that point I typically don't think too much about how we met and think more about what's going on in the present moment.

Comment Re:Ads Kill Bandwidth (Score 1) 716

If this is the world you want, it sounds nice from a user perspective. The problem is that stripping ads destroys the revenue model for the free services. How do you expect businesses to monetize it?

If they can't monetize it, they won't play the game. Who then is going to provide these services at the scale we enjoy today? How do you expect them to remain free if you reject the only viable revenue model?

We've accepted this model because it's the best one available for free. Are you willing to pay for services like YouTube instead? Do you have a better suggestion for encouraging businesses to give us free stuff?

Comment Re:So? (Score 1) 146

Oh look over there, something new and shiny! And 1 billion people jump ship in a heartbeat.

Windows Phone is both new and shiny, but the adoption has been slow. There's more to it than that.

Comment Re:OSX is better anyway (Score 1) 786

The problem with the "LOW MARKET SHARE!!1!!" comments is that you're talking about a company having a 10% of a market worth billions of dollars. I will take 10% of a billion dollars any day of the week.

but to roll out the "low market share" argument is absurd here when Apple has more cash on hand than the federal government.

As a consumer buying computer equipment, why on earth would you care how much money Apple has? Once you're past the low-bar threshold of "this company isn't going out of business and has enough cash to do R&D", how do their cash reserves really affect your experience in any tangible way?

I like OS X and have used it for years, but I've never experienced any personal benefit from Apple's pile of cash. It simply doesn't matter, and I've never read any convincing argument that it does. Got one for me?


Nintendo To Cancel Weather, News, and Other Built-In Wii Apps In June 175

damn_registrars writes "Nintendo has announced that at the end of June it will be canceling the services of several of the channels that are built in to the original Wii, including the Weather, News, Everybody Votes, and Mii Contest. This will also affect the WiiConnect24 services, though should not affect the Wii shopping channel. They added: 'Exchange of Wii messages on the Wii Message Board, exchange of Mii characters on the Mii Channel and message/data exchange within some games will be disabled.'"

Comment Re:I propose... (Score 1) 526

I'm going to assume you're not trolling, and you truly believe your compassion based argument against double-blind trials. I'll start out by saying that I'm sorry that my offer of a differing viewpoint seems to have been taken by you as an attack on your values and beliefs. It is not meant to be an attack, and I'm sorry to have provoked an emotional reaction in you.

I don't know how or why you came to have a strong belief against double-blind trials, but I suggest that it does not hurt to consider an alternate viewpoint, even if you are not convinced by it. This is why I suggested you look at Goldacre's book.

Anyway, it's my view that double-blind trials make the world a better and more humane place. My reasoning is that they provide us with more reliable information about the effectiveness of treatment. They fight against data distortions from the placebo effect by "blinding" the patient. They also fight against confirmation bias, sample population manipulation, cherry-picking, and other distortions by blinding the researcher to which treatment each patient is receiving. It's a two-fold data protection system.

The result is that we have more effective medical treatments through better medical data. Although perhaps a few hundred people receive the placebo treatment, millions more will benefit because we would have a better idea of which treatments are more effective. This gives doctors a more accurate view of the world, which undoubtedly helps when treating patients. This is why I see double-blind trials as having a greater benefit to the world than any negative effect that placebo treatment may have.

The patients receiving placebo knew that they may or may not receive a placebo treatment. They also knew that the actual non-placebo medicine may or may not be effective, and could even be harmful. They freely decided to be a part of the study anyway, and sometimes get paid to do so. Besides, even if they do unknowingly receive placebo, their health tends to improve anyway because they believe the placebo treatment will work.

Okay, your turn. I look forward to your response.

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