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Comment Re:amendments ..... (Score 1) 551

Christ, here is another lunatic. So you WANT a revolution? How about we sort through this politically before we revolt? Is that alright with you? Also, enough with the dead kids remarks. You fucking low lives can't get enough about the dead kids. How handy it is for you to mouth the fuck off like that from behind the safety of the Internet. I pray to God you forget yourself and say that to someone in real life and they knock your fucking teeth down your throat.

Comment Re:amendments ..... (Score 1) 551

Ah yes, another foam at the mouth fresh from the propaganda echo chamber. This is why these rights are deeply engrained in the Constitution and it will take a Constitutional Convention to change them. It's so that weak brained fools don't piss away their rights in an emotional temper tantrum brought on by whatever political agenda is yanking the press's chain.

You are one emotionally fucked up individual that is for sure. Your hateful attitude makes me wonder if we shouldn't be keeping an eye on YOU. We call what you are doing "projection" and it's a sign of a sick mind that needs help. I'm reading enough hate between the lines that you would kill gun owners if you could. You fit the profile, violent thinking, easily mentally manipulated. Foaming at the mouth with every vile thought that you can muster spewing out, hell you could be the poster child for mental health background checks before buying a firearm.

Nah, we will weather through fools like you who succumb to the propaganda of the day. We will have our guns and hopefully we won't have to use them on nut-jobs like you when you at last snap.

P.S. Take your fucking meds or go get some.

Comment Australia: Nice puppet testing grounds of fascism (Score 1) 551

I really have to admire the propaganda machine of Australia. Of course they are working with a population that is predisposed to falling prey to it, but never the less, it's a stepping stone to the Holy Grail of American disarmament. I'm really impressed that they can pull of such a disarming of their population considering the Asian hordes that lie North of them all licking their lips in lustful anticipation at sacking them. Also, considering that fat rich whore that lords over them, talking about how she would like to pay them wages that only a starving African would appreciate, you would think they would see the writing on the wall of what is to come for them when they are reduced to throwing rocks like Palestinians.

We must consider that they are still in ways subservient to the crown, which today translates into whomever is in power in England. Rather sad isn't it? Couple that with the fact that it's a gene pool consisting of exiles, people not smart or strong enough to resist or be sent to the Americas. We really should have helped them cut the cord with England, but how were we to know? I think it will bite us on the ass the fact that we didn't help them cultivate their own culture more, giving them a sense of self pride and determination. I'm afraid they are predisposed to being subservient, hence they have been so extensively disarmed. Not everyone has the strength to sustain freedom.

It's the way of the new world order, to disarm the populations of the western civilization. The world has been divided up, it's now just a matter of controlling it. You can't leave around those pesky tools of freedom that liberated the people from tyranny before. You have to remove those, because one day, your subjects will wise up and want to rise up against you. But for now, you just whisper in their ears lies and prey upon their fears, and offer them false hopes. They will lay down their arms and then you truly own them.

At least most of them, some of them will naturally have to be destroyed.

Comment Re:amendments ..... (Score -1, Flamebait) 551

It really has to burn a serf like yourself, our wonderful 2nd Amendment. After all, it was the fact that the average American took up arms and fought your evil empire, pushing over the dominoes of your empire's fall. Now you are a pathetic joke, dependent upon us lest your former subjects turn and rend you all into corpses. I can understand the resentment from a weakling as yourself.

I watched yesterday a video of one of your enemies, standing in your street, hands bloodied, his victim laying dead in the streets. The cows are indeed coming home, as we say here. You in your arrogance, in your superior thinking and ways, have become quite the fools. You have let in your country, in your neighborhoods, an enemy that will be your undoing.

So by all means, mock us, the last super power, the last free people. We shall snack on popcorn while we listen to your pathetic mewling, and spectate as you, the fallen empire, reaps the whirlwind of your own folly and at last crumble to dust.

So please, keep ranting, it's vastly amusing. By the way, you have a little spittle at the corner of your mouth. I thought I should point it out, you being so proper and all.

Comment Re:Meeting Steve Jackson (Score 1) 41

It sounds wonderful, but Texas scares the fuck out of me. All those guns and an express lane to the death chamber, it just smacks of too much trouble for my comfort zone.

But seriously, it sounds fun as hell. I remember doing some minor game design in High School back in 1980 for a mercenary rpg that was just pure guns, tactics and wild ideas of such. Friends and I would play test it, switch off administrating it so we could all try out our ideas. We had a blast with it. I can't imagine that being a job, it would be like cheating at life or something. Nobody is suppose to have that kind of fun and get paid for it. Everyday you do it, God has to punt a puppy into outer space when nobody is looking. Just to balance the universe out, you know. (just kidding)

Comment Re:Meeting Steve Jackson (Score 3, Interesting) 41

I met him at a game shop owner's convention in New Orleans back in the mid 90s. He was pushing his "Illuminati" card game at the time. My customers tried it out, and it received a tepid at best response. Magic the Gathering was young back then and was steam rolling other card games trying to compete. GURPS didn't take so well with my customers either, sadly. I still carried it. You need a selection to contrast and compare in a game shop, plus it adds to the atmosphere.

He was friendly and decent to talk to. I told him I had been a fan of "Car Wars" since I was a kid. He thanked me, and said he now felt old.

Comment Re:Black mail (Score -1, Offtopic) 258

Indeed, and when you dabble in crime like that, you risk becoming some psychopath's new shrunken head trophy. Porno can rabbit trail to some serious mental disorders pretty pronto if you look at case studies. So by all means, blackmail away people who might potentially cut you up in tasty bits and make a coin purse out of your scrotum. It sounds like a self correcting problem to me.

Comment Re:The answer to the question (Score 1) 712

Ok, thank you for the link. I'm clearly busted though. Clumpy gun, yup! I've seen price check guns far more intimidating. I swear to Christ I could hold up a bank with one. GET THE FUCK ON THE GROUND OR I WILL PUT A LAZER IN YOUR ASS! Think about that the next time you are in Wal-Mart and that hefty gal who is dressed like she seriously isn't from the planet, comes trooping by you with one of those in hand. Or is it? Or is she? Fuck!

Here's my wild sci-fi fun gun to print out. Remember those plastic star trek guns they made back in the 70s? They shot disks that spun like fuck! You could seriously jack a bag of green army men up with one. My question is how fast can one make a disk spin with this new fangled particle acceleration tech?

I can see me at Wal-Mart, looking at that behemoth bitch in those purple heels that someone a fraction of her size should be in. You know, the one with the menacing price check gun. She in line in front of me, looking back at my cart full of saw blades, Duracell batteries, some damn laser I found in sporting goods, and a big can of coffee. She knows. I could feel a bead of sweat forming on my forehead to take a slalom course down my brow. If she made a move, I could take her. She knows that too.

She flashes me a smile. I'm terrified, it's not a she-alien, but a human female/Sasquatch/mutant who's taking a fancy to me. She does have an ample bosom. I come to my senses later sneaking away with my Wal-Mart bags from some part of town and my car is a subject I don't want to discuss.

I return home and my crew has been patiently waiting, smoking my fucking weed, and are eager to load up "the gun" with ammo, and we got Duracells for this, going balls out on this budget. Fuck them cheap batteries. Note: Make sure you work in a well ventilated area when cobbling PVC particle slider/spinner/accelerator barrels together, the glue will get you high as fuck, and in a way the math will always be more difficult way, not the weed way.

Why is this important? Because of that! That thing that landed in our community's back yard. Seriously, look at the size of it! It's fucking so obviously from space or worse, it's just laying there, resting, and I bet it gets up pissed, hungry, thirsty, and whatever ry that trips its trigger. If it's not friendly as a puppy and shits golden eggs, we just might discover the dire need to seriously fuck it up. Shooting saw blades like photon torpedoes at it sounds like a plan to me. If it bleeds, we can kill it. We can then cook it and eat it. That's what happens when you come to Earth and start shit. We fucking kill you, then we cook you, we are after all civilized, then we eat you.

OK, which way do these batteries go in again? Jesus, I haven't seen this many D-Cells since your mom's vibrator got flagged by the TSA at the airport last Thanksgiving.


I digress. 100 duck sized horses of course. And the question is: Why did they make that fucking gun so ugly? Don't they have a kinky cosplay girl friend who makes costumes who could touch it up so it doesn't look so blah. Blah, I will point my blah gun at you and blah you with its blah powers of blah! Give it to some kids with Sharpies, anything.

True story, was in an engineering class of sorts, doing Solid Works and the instructor printed out the train we all made. I was really surprised at the level of detail and how tight it went together. We are talking simple as shit train, something Santa's elves would fucking bust a nut laughing at. But it was cool how we could work it up in that, then just print it. It takes forever though. Nobody is going to print out a gun on demand to go down stairs and check what that scary noise was any time in the foreseeable future. I could be wrong.

In parting, I think steering these fellows away from printing guns to something more interesting. We need a print your own girl friend project. Print up the android frame under the latex or whatever kind of rubber skin. Animating it would be awesome, it could be a community project, like a wiki, the whole thing. You know all of those poor guys who buy body pillows with cartoon girls on them? They are the kind of sick desperate geeks that could pour that kind of dedication into bringing something like this to life. Damn it, lets write a Weird Science reboot if nothing else. Were you around when that came out? That gal was the acme of smoking hot back then if you were the target age of an alive audience. Now to waste time pondering who to cast that part these days. Sigh.


Comment Re:The answer to the question (Score 1) 712

Indeed, good points all around. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for the good free citizen being armed, especially if they are proven capable and responsible. We've really not made any progress towards letting the good people be armed, nor are we progressing from keeping bad people from being armed. The Left pounced on Sandy Hook in typical idiot liberal fashion, they have stepped up their anti-gun propaganda to a full court press. They are seriously retarded in their tactical sense. I think it's not a coincidence that the 1% that controls both sides wants this issue under wraps. This issue alone is folly.

All they are doing is burning political capital in a bonfire. Instead of working on real issues, and putting a stake in heart of the GOP, they are reviving them, sending the GOP grass roots into overdrive to beat them hard the next election.

Back to the printed gun thing. I think it will fill a niche market nicely. Assassinations and murders come to mind. Murder especially, it's the ability to construct in secret a lethal ranged weapon. I can think of applications, but fictional writing is an aspiring hobby of mine. I'm thinking the odds though are in favor of somebody out there looking at this with peaked homicidal interests.

Here's an idea, with 5 seconds of pondering; What if you wanted to assassinate/murder someone inside a heavily secured area? You can't get a weapon in. But who's going to suspect the weapon printed up on the spot? Then comes fact that it's plastic and can be melted/dissolved into a plastic turd and flushed down the toilet. Pesky metal guns, hard to flush them or even hide them from a hard security sweep. How's our protagonist going to solve that one? Awesome stuff.

I don't think your average thug on the street is clapping with glee for one of these, nope. But it makes for another toy in the arsenal. Just what we needed. At least for now it's not low hanging fruit. It will take someone technologically minded to produce one. Christ, if they are that smart, chances of them being criminals is thinner, right? It's just those few anomalies that worry me for now. When BillyBob can run down to Wal-Mart, get what he needs to gun down his sister/wife, is when we all need to worry. That's the nature of tech too, we keep making it simpler for all the fucking idiots. Read slashdot lately, that point is proven elegantly.

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