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Comment The thing is... (Score 1) 798

I don't mean to be "that guy" but at their age neither bully nor victim are at fault. Neither popular kid, nor unpopular kid are at fault. It's not as though these kids make a conscious decision when they're 6 years old to seek popularity or dickhead status. Its most probably bred into them by their surroundings and/or parents/upbringings.

You know, the whole adult vs child thing. Children cannot be accountable for ALL their actions because some of them are through no-fault-of-their-own.

This case sounds like one of more privileged vs not as privileged. Ie. bully family has better town status and/or lawyer.

I didn't read the articles, so my points might be complete nonsense.

Comment Re:What would happen if they just let it meltdown? (Score 2, Interesting) 157

"massive radio active steam and dust cloud and the resulting fires and highly molten core would create radio active dust high into the atmosphere that would spread for thousands of miles"

you mean like current coal plants do?

"Though the concentrations are low, the total amount of TENORM in fly ash is noteworthy (Beck
et al. 1980; Beck 1989). For example, in 2004, U.S. electric power plants burned approximately
921 million MTs of coal (U.S. DOE/EIA 2005d). If that amount of coal is burned with 1.5 ppm
uranium, 1,381 MTs of uranium would be concentrated, in addition to other TENORM quantities."

[http://www.epa.gov/rpdweb00/docs/tenorm/402-r-08-005-voli/402-r-08-005-v1.pdf] - EPA

Comment what cost? (Score 1) 551

Can someone please explain why "cost" is ever an issue regarding society switching from carbon based power sources to sustainable ones? Isn't that what the argument is really about? It's going to be more expensive than burning the trees in my backyard, or more expensive than operating off the coal-based grid. What is the most cost-effective and expeditious way forward? Can we proceed with that best way forward? Can the US get a fucking Energy Policy written up so we can actually begin to have meaningful discussions about this?

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