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Comment Re:More about the ideal than the phone (Score -1, Flamebait) 251

the crowdfunding campaign is about a lot more than getting a cool phone; it's about proving an idea: that there is a market for special-run, innovative devices

But unfortunately all the 'innovative' stuff is hand-waved away.

They state this Edge can be used as a desktop replacement. But can it drive a decent monitor or only 720p? Answers like this need to be provided before asking people to stump-up $800.

Comment Re:SE/Linux (and SE/Android) (Score 1) 240

the classic example is "root", which is a drastic binary oversimplification which is simply very convenient.

Indeed, but in the case of SE Linux the Five Star General ( root ) is also the guy who writes the rules about where he is allowed to go and what he is allowed do ( SE Linux config ).

SE Linux doesn't make root go away, it just usefully reduces the need for root day-to-day. But root is still the key capability in configuring the environment.

And Linux distros always have a way for root to disable boot-time or run-time SE Linux.

Comment Re:Standing up to the Feds (Score 1) 339

If you have little legal know-how and are confronted with an important legal issue that could have serious ramifications if you screw it up, you consult with a lawyer.

Please stop using the word 'lawyer' as some sort of substitute for 'wizard'. It's like when media reports use 'scientist'.

Lawyers practive in specific fields. No single lawyer knows the entire law.

An employment rights lawyer won't know the first thing about how to fight an NSL. A lawyer practising in tax issues won't be much use if the FBI comes around asking for passwords. All they'll do is give some vague 'advice' about best to just do what the Government wants.

Now, your lawyer may very well advise you to just give them what they want, but still, asking him was the right thing to do.

Really, how? Because he asked his staff to check Wikipedia and see what the consensus is?

Comment Progressive but not important (Score 2) 111

Impressive technology, though I don't agree with some of the testing they do live in production. But important? Hardly. If Netflix went away right *now*, nothing inthe World would really change.

Compared to, say, Google's search going offline which would have a direct impact on both personal and business productivity globally.

Comment Re:I notice those three things... (Score 1) 142

Even more? Yes, the UK already have an overzealous filter, "voluntarily" implemented by every ISP and blacklists provided by the "internet watch foundation".

No, not every ISP. Look around you.

AAISP is one I know that doesn't. IDNet says they 'monitor' the list but do not implement it.

Comment Re:Definitely... (Score 1) 719

Well TBH it has been tried but it'll need help from COngress, so it's not 100% Obama's fault.

Bollocks. He's the Commander in Chief.

Here are some legal orders he could issue for a start:

1. All military personnel to leave Guantanamo Bay within two weeks. All doors to be left unlocked.
2. USAF to repatriate Guantanamo detainees to their country of capture.
3. All drone operations support squadrons to return to CONUS within one month.

Congress has no involvement in the issuance and execution of military orders.

Change? Just do it.

Comment Re:one word ... (Score 2) 298

If American bookstores are really that bad, they deserve to die.

I can tell you that UK bookstores are even worse. I received a Book Token a few years and went to Waterstone's to use it.

Of course there was nothing on the shelf worth buying and they flat-out told me, twice, that a book I wanted to order was no longer available. I showed them the Amazon listing on my phone; nope, Amazon must be lying to me.

I gave the voucher awa as a gift and ordered the book on Amazon

Comment Re:Elon does it again (Score 1) 71

The rapid progress his technology companies are achieving is nothing short of breathtaking. He pushes limits so far, and so hard, that those nearly impossible limits have been powerless to push back

Space-X hasn't achieved one single thing that hadn't already been done by at least two predecessors each, two decades or more ago.

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