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Comment Re:A hit-piece of a submission... (Score 1) 157

Contracts are only valid when both parties negotiate on good faith and without undue pressure.

Contracts are also only valid when they're enforceable.

Without any power behind a contract (i.e., some sort of laws and force of government, e.g., regulations), contracts are nothing more than "damn pieces of paper" and your "word," whatever that is at the time.

This is where the libertarian fantasy drives off a cliff - that we can have contracts without The Man.

That only worked when your tribe was > 300 people and you could do ad-hoc "trial by combat."


Comment Re:A hit-piece of a submission... (Score 4, Insightful) 157

Woosh... xOra's point was, government's intervention causes harm.

And what you don't get is not whether government regulation is a bad or good thing, but what kind of effort do we put into *good* governance. You know, like what everyone else on the planet does, from countries to corporations. Ever hear about "corporate governance"? Ever think of countries as just large corporations? It's an over-simplification (by far) but I think it's the only way to illustrate the "all regulation is bad" idea as lunacy.

The way broadband is sold in this country, the legality of what ISPs do in their contracts are just shy of outright fraud.

But hey, all regulation is bad.

You people want to toss out everything and leave anarchy behind. Forget about good governance, let's just have more burning rivers, consumer fraud, and land-grabs using private armies.


Comment Re:Beware Rust, Go, and D. (Score 1) 223

So much shilling in one post.

>uttering C++ and C# in the same sentence as if they are equivalent

Just... no.

>no need for other languages

Uh huh.

It seriously sounds like you've got only two tools in your toolbox and are looking at the guy with the loaded Gerstner box and telling him all those things are useless, which as a machinist and toolmaker, I have to say that you're delusional.

There is room in the world for C, Lisp, Go, Rust, COBOL, C#, and literal jokes like Brainfuck. Because no one language is perfect for all use cases.


Comment Re:Mamangement (Score 4, Funny) 290

An Easter Egg, in the construction sense that you describe, would be more like the time a construction crew opened up the wall in my apartment to fix a leak in a pipe and found a lunchbox that someone left behind when the building was built in 1928 with a note inside reading "Hello."

Sometimes it's a singing frog.

Don't bother trying to put the frog on Broadway, though.


Comment Illegal example (Score 2) 140

I wouldn't have minded seeing an example of one of those illegal opcodes and how what it did was useful.

Brooks called such things "curios". Side-effects of invalid operations that people had started to use, and that had to be considered part of the specification.

My policy (seconded by my boss) is that I do not document such things. If a hack is documented people start to use it, then we have to support and maintain it.


Comment Re:Capitalism works...again (Score 3, Informative) 208

Capitalism works. Competition works.

Monopolies are bad.

For some reason there are a lot of so-called "conservatives" that think that monopolies are "good" and "natural" and think that breaking them up is somehow bad. ISPs are monopolies in many areas. There /isn't/ any competition.

Monopolies aren't capitalism. They are rent-seeking.


Comment Re:More asshatness from the Comcast fanboi... (Score 1) 208

There are basically two providers here in the Libertarian Paradise of Concord NH (Tea Potty Central). Comcast and the remnant of Verizon's "investment" in Internet connectivity (abandoned by VZN and saddled with VZN's debt) called Fairpoint, which is neither fair nor sharp.

Comcast is so fucking awful when it comes to customer service (my partner's daughter was seriously creeped out by one of their techs and when she turned down his advances he fucked around with her computer and basically trashed it. Comcast stonewalled settling and making it right.) that people like me will never deal with them and will prefer to go entirely with Internet service at all. Before I found out about this, I had scheduled an installation, and cancelling the installation when I did find out was not straightforward. I finally told the guy "I know what you have to do, just check off "other" and be done with it."

And this is just me. And I hear similar stories IRL.

They wonder why they have a bad rep.

I'd rather do business with the Mob on Federal Hill in RI.


Comment Wait, what? (Score 2) 36

The fraudsters register "typo squatting" domains that look like the target company's domain,

Since when do you need to effin' typo-squat a domain name to send something that looks like to

The FROM: header can be anything. Hell, you can telnet to port 25 and type it in manually. It's been that way since forever-ago, as far as I can tell.

I mean, come on, I've personally sent mail from


Comment Re:The Canadian middle class is dying out. (Score 2) 198

You blame the union members and the unions.

You blame them when the decision to sell shit products and ignore quality issues was an upper management problem, and remains to an upper management problem to this day.

Because if that responsibility doesn't lie with upper management, then why do they get paid fucking rockstar salaries? What do they do all day, financial masturbation?


Comment Well past its Best Before date (Score 1) 662

Top Gear was enormous fun at first, but it's gotten stale. It's lost its way. Maybe it is time for a re-think.

Like just about everybody, my picks for a new co-host include Sabine Schmitz and Vicki Butler-Henderson. But they have to look very carefully at the show and decide if its worth continuing first. I'm not convinced it is.

The original Top Gear production morphed in to Fifth Gear, which is definitely jazzed up fro the old Top Gear it started as.


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