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Comment Re:from TFA (Score 1) 921

The public seems completely lost then, everyone I know that is in to organic food is in to it because they think it's healthier. My friend's family have swallowed it completely. One good thing they've done though is to start their own vegie garden in their back yard, which I think is a great idea for anyone living in an environment where it rains often (I'd imagine if everyone started doing this in areas with little rain, and therefore started using water from the hose, this would create another problem). Unfortunately they've swallowed the bullshit assumption that natural = healthy, to the point that they've attached a water purifier to the tap that feeds their hose which they use when there hasn't been enough rain.

They've even started buying such bullshit as 'Himalayan Salt', the wikipedia article on that is great.

To me though, this is an evasion tactic by organic proponents, much as we see with religious people when they redefine god. Here we're seeing people saying that organic food was never about the health benefits, it was always about the environment.

Comment Re:from TFA (Score 1) 921

I agree that eating less meat would be a great start. I just unfortunately have no idea how we could really get people to eat less meat without making them angry.

Any solution has to be workable in the real world, which can really screw up many of the best plans. Whatever the solution may be though, we're going to need to use our brains. Sitting back and being a bunch of hippies and saying nature will care for everything if we just let it, is not going to fix things.

Comment Re:so? (Score 1, Interesting) 921

Check the data, organic farming is not better for the environment unfortunately. It's an idealistic dream, and one that I think is built upon the superstitious assumption that nature is benevolent and that we evil humans are screwing it up. Unfortunately the facts seem to indicate that a switch to organic would be terrible for the environment.

Comment Re:from TFA (Score 4, Insightful) 921

What? Says what? Their research was only looking at the nutritional differences.

As for environmental impact of organic farming, from what I know, in order to get the same amounts of produce we'd need to expand existing farms much more because organic farms give lower yields. If people ate less, that might help the situation and others, but that's unfortunately unrealistic. Instead given our track record, if we all switched to organic, we'd just destroy some forests. The other alternative is shrinking the human population quite a lot, but I do not like that idea at all.

I think that many people who champion organic have some crazy superstitious assumption beneath many of their claims, and that this assumption is that nature is benevolent, some kind of caring mother, probably called Gaia. Unfortunately nature is not benevolent, and our lives are so much better now because we've managed to subdue much of nature. During all the time we've been evolving we've had to adapt to fit in with nature. We've finally, in the last hundred years or so, been able to change things and make nature fit in with us instead. Though there are still many natural events that we can't control.

UK's FSA Finds No Health Benefits To Organic Food 921

blackbeak writes "The UK Food Standards Agency's 'Independant Organic Review' results were just released, and the BBC rushed to publish the findings in the shockingly titled article, 'No Health Benefits to Organic Food.' From the article, 'There is little difference in nutritional value and no evidence of any extra health benefits from eating organic produce, UK researchers found.' A peek into the research at Postpeakpublishing provides a slightly deeper look."

Comment Re:suckers (Score 1) 645

I myself have just become a member of the Folio Society, which produces high quality books. There are quite a few good ones in there, including some good science books, such as those by Richard Dawkins and Steven Pinker. They certainly cost more than the cheap paperback versions you can easily find, but one day I would like to have a bookshelf full of high quality (both in content and construction) books that I've read.

Comment Re:obPublic Service Announcement (Score 3, Interesting) 328

To paraphrase Abbie Hoffman.
Telling obese people to just stop eating and exercise is like telling manic-depressives to just cheer up.

Obesity is a predictable problem of placing humans in an environment with surplus food. We have evolved in an environment where food was not plentiful, and one of the best behavioural traits to have if you wanted to survive was to eat as much as you could when you could. That behavioural trait is now causing problems for many people.
Obesity is disgusting, but telling people that isn't going to solve the problem. Personally I wouldn't care one bit if taxes were increased (which would result in increased prices) for junk-food outlets like McDonalds and Burger King, it would hopefully limit the amount of shit that people eat, and would also be able to provide some funding for the massive costs that are going to be coming along very soon as obese and overweight people start requiring medical help.

According to an article on the BBC about a week ago, 44% of children in Mississippi are obese or overweight, that is disgusting and something needs to be done to fix this problem.

Apparently more than 25% of adults in my country, New Zealand, are obese. It is a serious problem, anything higher than 5% obesity in a population should be taken as a serious problem.

Comment Re:So... (Score 1) 226

A businessman meets a rival at a train station and asks him where he's going. The second businessman says he's going to Minsk. The first one replies, "You're telling me you're going to Minsk because you want me to think you're going to Pinsk. But I happen to know that you are going to Minsk. So why are you lying to me?"

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