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Comment Missed the point. (Score 3, Insightful) 452

The response largely misses the NSA video's point: If you think you're a good fit for the NSA, the polygraph shouldn't stop you from applying for a job.

It's crap science, but the NSA can erect whatever arbitrary hoops it wants for employees. Any fool watching the NSA video for insight into other uses of polygraphs does so at great peril. The response is most informative when he says, "This is true of NSA employment practice, but . . ." Seriously, someone with a principled objection to the NSA polygraphing prospective employees, is going to have a real eye-opener on his first day of work there.

Accusing the NSA of intellectual dishonesty is as useful as accusing water of being wet. Polygraphic prospective hires doesn't have to catch anybody to serve a purpose. It's enough to drive the pissant commie sympathizers to bother someone else. Or maybe not.

Comment Re:Let's not leap to conclusions. (Score 1) 1079

Cops are not, and should not be, in the punishment business. (that's a different department)

Dude, do you realize who signs up to be prison guards? Ex-cops and wannabe cops. You may as well have said, "Cops are not, and should not be in the [airline passenger screening | private investigation | security guard] business.".

Comment Re:this is brave (Score 1) 466

I'm sorry to be pedantic, but did you read what you copied?

First, MUTCD is an administrative manual that sets forth the relationship between federal, state and local government, not a public law that would give a private citizen a defense to a ticket. Second, I'd hazard to guess that in any particular jurisdiction, 90% of the road-miles are at statutory speed limits, so this section wouldn't apply. Third, and most glaringly, 85% of the average speed could never equal the 85th percentile speed. Unless the average you're talking about a mean that is being skewed to Hell by all the rocket-cars on the road today. (And can I get one?)

It just means that there's a consensus among civil engineers, that 3 speeding cars in every 20 an acceptable level of scofflawry.

Comment Re:Ok.. (Score 1) 809

An Outer Limits or Twilight Zone might ask, "what if we were the aliens?" and play out the consequences, or "What if all disease were cured?".

Done and done.

I know that wasn't your point, and technobabble episodes bit early and hard. But sometimes Star Trek really does act as a vehicle for alegory. And sometimes they beat the Twilight Zone at their own game. (And sometimes they don't.)

Comment Re:Just watched the video... (Score 2, Interesting) 107

I haven't tried to play it yet, but I would give two thumbs up to the CGA color scheme if they'd used the CGA palate: #55ff55 instead of #00ff00, et c. As someone who played old timey games on old timey hardware, seeing the VGA palate in retro games or in emulators always throws me off.

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