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Comment Re:Send them an invoice. (Score 1) 455

I think he would have to do this if Turkey had compulsory license provision in its copyright laws for Youtube video. And I doubt that. So I would not send them a bill for licensing, which would allow the other to continue to use the video. A proposition of settlement for damages would be better. Though I do not know if I would agree on the approach.

Comment GMOs come with pesticides (Score 1) 334

I want the choice to boycott Monsanto by pressing farmers not to use their strain. Otherwise it causes an overuse of pesticides which is bad for nature, but also for the farmers and people leaving around the farms. The only way to do it now is to know whether there are some GMO in my food. And "popular suspicions", that's GMO's lobbies who try to make you believe that. Yes, sure GMOs by themselves are probably safe, there are no reasons they would be worst than other strains, if we just have the proper testing. I do not care about what hippies believe. However, there is "scientific suspicion" with proper peer reviewed literature about pesticides they sell with the GMOs. It is exactly like saying nuclear power is the cleanest forgetting about waste management.

Comment Is this science? (Score 1) 203

Is it by using technologies that you become socially impaired, or is it because you are becoming socially impaired that you used technologies? If my so called friends were not that annoying to me when I was a kid, I would probably not be a software engineer today. When I see "the survey of 3,461 American girls aged 8 to 12 who volunteered responses", I think that does not mean much. If I read something like "the sample was randomly divided in two, the first sample was given new hitech gadget every year, the second not" maybe that would be different.

Comment Skill? (Score 1) 472

Is there a skill gap in math between gender? I thought it was a gap in the interest in maths. If women have a biologic predisposition towards language, where do you think there interest will go? Not into math. I am really not sure that the fact that women succeeds less in maths to be cultural. It does not mean they fail in maths. I think they are just less likely try, and it is likely to be biological.

I want to see a study that compares interests in maths. Not skills.

After all, women will outperform men in all other academic fields. It can be cool to have very few fields that women do not like so that we can feel kind of useful in the society other than fixing cars, producing semen and opening sealed jars.

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