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Comment Re:Business as usual, but it still seems absurd (Score 2) 233

Read The Federalists #10.

To sum it up. James Madison writes about the influence of Factions (aka Parties). He sees these as negative, but unavoidable. Thus, the he suggests a system in which smaller Factions have the ability to slow down and force larger Factions to discuss and debate issues.

Comment Re:Business as usual, but it still seems absurd (Score 4, Insightful) 233

If the Founder Fathers wanted efficiency, they would not have created the federal system with a bicameral legislature. Stupid shit like this slowing down the process is there by design - to protect our rights. If government were efficient, they would just erode our rights faster.

Comment Re:The answer... (Score 1) 559

So based of the responses I've received to my comment, it seems that women's events exist as sort of an "Affirmative Action" to increase women's representation at the Olympics. That being acknowledged, it seems the answer would be to only allow people who are genetically women (i.e. XX) to compete in the women's category and push everyone else into the Men's category.

Comment Re:The answer... (Score 1) 559

Then you still have this issue of who qualifies as a women to compete in women's sports. I don't dislike women's competitions. It was merely a suggestion to eliminate the issue of who would play in what division.

Now, all of the people who are adamantly against it leave me with the feeling that women are inferior to men. This is certainly not a concept I had when I made my statement. Sure, I acknowledged that women will not excel against men in some sports (power lifting), but I thought that they would excel in others (Gymnastics). And at the end of the day (well Olympics) that Men would have medals in events better suited to men and women would have medals in events better suited to women.

Comment Re:Breathless summary by the clueless (Score 1) 734

I agree as far as a "complete package" (e.g. including both social and economic policies) Fascism is much closer to Communism then Capitalism. I was only pointing out that Economically, it was the in-between and equally as close to Laissez Faire Capitalism (complete hands off) as Communism (complete hands on).

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