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Comment Re:if you're in the intersection and it's red (Score 4, Informative) 976

Maine driver's ed taught me that when turning left on a solid green non-arrow (yield to oncoming traffic), you are supposed to enter the intersection while waiting for the chance to go. If the light turns red, all traffic is stopped, so you have the right of way to GTFO.

Of course it's been a while since I took driver's ed. and things may have changed. and what was taught may be a rule of thumb rather than law. but I will always fight a ticket if this is the case.

NOTE: I am NOT talkig about the case where you FAIL to predict the flow of traffic and end up blocking the intersection (can't proceed). By all means, write me up if I do that.

Comment Re:Hope, Transparency, Change. (Score 1) 351

Or maybe they figured the Republicans had already done enough damage to mess up the country, and that anything but a Republican would be good, but the only viable choice was a Democrat? Sometimes it's a matter of picking the lesser of two evils.

Nail on the head. A lot of people saw another republican, that looked just like the old republican that barely anyone liked, and said "f*ck that, anything else will be better than this again." whether it was an educated opinion or not, I find it easy to justify.

Comment Re:Hope, Transparency, Change. (Score 1) 351

I think if Barack Obama wasn't half black, he would not have been elected. Younger voters wanted to prove that their generation could look beyond race. He had very little experience, he never offered anything but vague ideas, and he came from Chicago which is known for corrupt politics. Not that I'm saying there were better options out there, I just believe if you put a white guy named Barry in his place he never even makes the Democratic primary ballot.

You have a point, but I think there are multiple factors at play here.
1. race probably had a major influence in winning non-white voters. I disagree with your opinion that 'younger' (I'll read that as young-white) voters voted for him to prove they are color blind.
2. age probably had a major influence in winning young voters. The fact that he didn't sound like the crusty old men of yesteryear probably made a pretty big difference. I think age > race for most people 18-30.

I remember my first (only other) election. I had to vote between, as South Park so eloquently put, a douche bag and a turd sandwich. This is probably why it was so easy to drink the Obama kool-aid this time around...

Comment Re:Here we go.. (Score 1) 225

Way to analyze a stressful situation, sitting from the comforts of your own home. A+++++

There are a number of situations where it isn't so cut and dry. Imagine getting ready to pass a car by squeezing into the lane on your left (you can give yourself a lot of room, if you'd like, or it can be a last minute decision). As you're checking your blind spot, your car suddenly accelerates. You quickly approach the car in front of you, putting you in tailgating position, and this driver coincidentally, at the same time, lightly touches his breaks (maybe he caught himself tailgating the guy in front of him, or was distracted.) What would most people do? I am pretty sure they'd go for the breaks as soon as they see those break lights flash. The fact that the car took off on its own would be an afterthought.

Not every scenario is as if you're cruising down a 1 lane highway with a 2 car following distance between every car with a 10 ft shoulder.

I don't disagree with you. Many people drive like crap. And many people are probably WRONG about their cars accelerating on their own. as you mention, there are perfectly simple ways to recover from such a car malfunction. But you can't trivialize a situation where your car has a mind of its own during the middle of a maneuver.

Comment Re:Duh (Score 1) 561

I remember my first day, of my first real summer job. I was working at the Christmas Tree Shops and during my break all I wanted was a fricking cigarette. (no, I've never smoked, but looking back, I remember how it felt)

Comment RTFA (Score 1) 158

This is one case I am glad I RTFA. The dataset is destroyed, but there is still a neeto little web application to play with. It's fun to poke around with... I find myself wanting more.

And of course facebook wanted to shut him down... this is probably data they are collecting themselves and are selling / want to sell :)

Comment Re:I Have An Idea (Score 1) 801

No kidding. I drive a Honda Fit, totally unaltered, and I scrape bottom around 5mph at my friend's apartment complex. He's a little heavier set, so I practically have to come to a stand still if he's in the car.

I was considering moving into the complex, and made it very clear to the owners that it wasn't happening simply because of the speed walls.

Comment Re:Suckers. (Score 1) 345

GameStop can pay less per game because they take on the burden of selling+distribution. They are providing a service. If people find that service fee to be too much (ie. GameStop doesn't pay enough for used games) then they can feel free to track down their own buyers.

Comment Re:Suckers. (Score 1) 345

I think the most offensive thing here is that this idiot would actually buy a used game for a mere $5 discount. This is the fundamental problem I have with the likes of GameStop. They probably gave the previous owner $20 for this game and then turn around and sell it for $55.

The advantage of buying used isn't always in the money saved... GameStop has (or had) a 7 day full-refund (read: NOT STORE CREDIT) return policy on used games. Don't like it? Return it. Too short and you beat it? Return it. Sure, you're only saving $5 off of retail, but you're getting some security that buying new doesn't grant.

I've only taken advantage of this once for some ps3 game that took me 5 hours to beat and had barely any replay value.

I know this was off topic, but I felt it had to be pointed out. W.r.t the article... I don't really have much of a formed opinion yet.

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