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The Courts

NVIDIA Responds To Intel Suit 215

MojoKid writes "NVIDIA and Intel have always had an interesting relationship, consisting of a dash of mutual respect and a whole lot of under-the-collar disdain. And with situations such as these, it's easy to understand why. NVIDIA today has come forward with a response to a recent Intel court filing in which Intel alleges that the 'four-year-old chipset license agreement the companies signed does not extend to Intel's future generation CPUs with "integrated" memory controllers, such as Nehalem. NVIDIA CEO Jen-Hsun Huang, had this to say about the whole ordeal: 'We are confident that our license, as negotiated, applies. At the heart of this issue is that the CPU has run its course and the soul of the PC is shifting quickly to the GPU. This is clearly an attempt to stifle innovation to protect a decaying CPU business.'"

Comment Re:They are cut off (Score 1) 175

That's the thing. You can't force anybody to follow your twitter feed. Only people who WANT to know what you're doing in minor increments will follow your feed.

Who says that 'social' has to equal face-to-face time? Face-to-face time is not terribly easy to get, what with having to actually travel to your friend's location. Twitter is the same as calling a friend and telling them what's going on every once in a while, except it's opt-in. Only people who WANT to know what's going on in between face-to-face meetings will follow your twitter feed. Everyone else can just wait to sit down with you to find out.

Comment Re:Seriously? (Score 1) 296

You seem to think that the 'spam problem' is technological. It's not. You remember getting junk mail in your snail-mail box, right? Same concept. There is a medium through which many potential customers can be reached, and is cheaper than the alternative (for paper mail, it's cheaper than going door-to-door, for e-mail, it's cheaper than paper mail).

Even if sender and receiver are authenticated properly, so what? A spammer will still be able to 1)forge his own authentication or 2)compromise an authentic box and use that as a zombie spam machine.

The only even faintly possible way to stop all spam would be to have all email pass through a single point, where spam could be stopped. However, that is nearly impossible considering the already widespread and deeply entrenched SMTP, and the fact that getting net users to agree to let a single company read every single email they ever send to anyone ever will be nigh impossible.

The spam problem is human. There is money to be made in spam, and in email spam, the profit margin is fucking massive. To kill spam, you must remove the monetary benefit, but the profit margin is so large, you don't really have much hope trying to cut that down to where spam doesn't pay.

Comment Re:AKA (Score 1) 354

Yes, but Steam has assured us that in the eventuality of their auth servers going down, they'd give us ways to continue playing.

Also, any computer than can run the Steam client can install and play any game you've purchased via Steam. An unlimited number of installs, without the need to authenticate, then deauthenticate as you install on a new system.

Yes, it's DRM, in a technical sense, but in a practical sense, it's almost a liberating as owning a 100% un-DRMed game CD that does not do disk checking.

I would LOVE to have all my games on the Steam machine, because then I wouldn't have to dick around with saving CDs or installers.

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