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Comment Why Holes? (Score 1) 540

When you look at a hole, what do you see? Whatever's behind it!

I assume they measure readability by putting the piece of paper on a white surface and see if it is still readable.

If it is still readable, then why in the world are they using holes? Instead of using holes, just don't put ink where the holes are. They found a way of minimize the ink needed to print a letter. I imagine it would be be like courier new or some font like that, without cleartype on.

Comment Re:Article Confirms kdawson Doesn't Read Articles (Score 2, Insightful) 167

Isn't dark energy a general name for whatever it is that causes our universe do things that aren't explained by our equations?

So I guess this confirms Dark Energy even more because it invalidates even more equations than before. So it isn't the old equations that are wrong; it is only because part of the equation does not include variable D.


Google's Chrome Declining In Popularity 489

holy_calamity writes "After launching in a blaze of publicity that even warmed Slashdot, Google's browser grabbed a 3% share of the market, but has been slipping ever since, and now accounts for 1.5%. Google has also stopped promoting the browser on its search page. Assuming they wanted it to grab a significant share of the browser market, have they dropped the ball, or is this part of the plan?" On Slashdot, Chrome is still the #4 browser (after FF, IE, and Safari) but it was ahead of Safari for a few days, hitting almost 10% of our traffic.

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