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Submission + - Mandatory internet filters to protect children ( 5

CaptainDefragged writes: Just announced on the Australian ABC News site Senator Conroy says it will be mandatory for all internet service providers to provide clean feeds, or ISP filtering, to houses and schools that are free of pornography and inappropriate material. ... Senator Conroy says anyone wanting uncensored access to the internet will have to opt out of the service, and will work with the industry to ensure the filters do not affect the speed of the internet.
United States

Submission + - Fox News Excludes Ron Paul from Presidential Debat (

kaynaan writes: Fox News has excluded Ron Paul from participating in the last debate the weekend before the primary election begins. The debated occurs on January 6, less than one day after two back to back Republican and Democratic debates are being held at the same location. IANAL but isn't this going too far even for FOX ??

Submission + - Film Pirates for a Better Tomorrow

hydrarchist writes: The League of Noble Peers has just released a follow-up to their documentary, Steal This Film (about piracy conflicts and culture in Sweden.) Unsurprisingly, the new documentary is called "Steal This Film 2, The Dissolving Fortress" , and tells a tale inserting wherein p2p users join a historical thread disturbing power through communications shifts throughout the ages, starting with the printing press. They're also looking for contributions, financial and in-kind, to their media effort. It is also available on the The Pirate Bay where it currently has nearly 3,500 seeds!

Submission + - 3 heads are better than (

toby1 writes: Niiiice ... 3 cards in SLI giving 2.8 times the performance of a single card — but can we believe the hype?

Submission + - Court Allows Company To Copyright Cease & Desi (

An anonymous reader writes: Techdirt has the news of a lawsuit where a company was allowed to claim copyright on a cease-and-desist letter that an anonymous blogger had posted to a blog. The company then used the DMCA to not just get the C&D taken down, but to try to find out the identity of a *different* anonymous blogger that it was accusing of libel. This could create chilling effects for anyone who tries to post a cease-and-desist letter online, as you might now face copyright violation charges on the C&D in addition to whatever the C&D was originally for.

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